Η εξουσία είναι επί τάπητος καθώς οι Χάριγκανς και οι Στίβενσονς, δύο εχθρικές οικογένειες εγκλήματος του Λονδίνου, συγκρούονται σε μια μάχη είτε σκοτώσεις είτε θα σκοτωθείς που απειλεί να ρίξει αυτοκρατορίες και να χαλάσει ζωές. Παγιδευμένος στην αντιπυρική φωτιά είναι ο Χάρι Ντα Σόουζα, ο “fixer” με τον δρόμο, επικίνδυνος και κούκλος, που γνωρίζει πολύ καλά πού βρίσκονται οι πιστότητες όταν οι αντίπαλες δυνάμεις συγκρούονται. Όσο το βασίλειο αντιμετωπίζει το βασίλειο, γραμμές θα διασχίζονται – και η μοναδική σωτήρια χάρη είναι μια εγγύηση ότι το στοίχημά σου είναι η οικογένεια πάνω από όλα.
MOBLAND Επίσημο Trailer (2025) Tom Hardy, Pierce Brosnan Series HD.
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Το Video “MOBLAND Official Trailer (2025) Tom Hardy, Pierce Brosnan” αναρτήθηκε 04/03/2025 στο Youtube κανάλι Rapid Trailer
Ok then. I’m in
Is that a Welsh accent from pierce?
Can't wait!
Man this looks good. Hopefully it doesn't get undercut by wokeness.
Looks like good movie 😎👍
It's TV series? Not movie?😊
With that cast, it's got to be a winner!
In, in, in and in. It's criminal the The Gentleman got such little recognition from the media. Hoping this one gets more love
Guy Ritchie……crime family……and it's a series……sign me up.
Let’s fucking go!!! Hardy coming out strong this year !
Why is an irishman putting on a terrible irish accent
I like stuff like this like you know spies it’s being nice. I like stuff like this mob wise know who gets crossed in the deal know who not to mess with no you who construct a deal with no one who you can that’s why you just gotta sit back and observe The air 💯🦾🦾🦾🦾❤️❤️❤️❤️
Can’t wait to see Brosnan as a bad guy
im in
Love Tom hardy . But this doesn’t look good at all . 👎
worst Welsh accent since Hardy's 😂
What a load of crap.
As long as someone gets twisted up like a pretzel!
Guy Ritchie. Yes.
What's with Brosnan – a Paddy doing a bad Paddy accent- be like a Cockney speaking mockney! I'll turn the sound down when he's speaking :)) Guy Ritchie and Tom Hardy YES!
These comments make me think some of you young fella's ought to think about getting a life.
Looks…utterly forgettable
This movie looks stupid i mean who's ever heard of British mobs? Their is no such thing!!
Looks like another one being churned out.
Is that Welsh or Russian 😂😂
I will need to use closed caption when Tom Hardy is talking
Another Guy Ritchie masterpiece.
i'm irish decent mum n dad irish and my attempt at an irish accent is crap but better than pierce brosnans an irishman apparently
Tom Hardy AND Pierce Brosnan AND Helen Mirren WITH Guy Ritchie? WOW
One Word : Excellent !!