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ΤΟ ΤΕΛΕΥΤΑΙΟ ΑΠΟ ΤΟΥΣ ΜΑΣ Εποχή 2 Επίσημο Τρέιλερ 2 (2025) Pedro Pascal
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Το Video “THE LAST OF US Season 2 Official Trailer 2 (2025) Pedro Pascal” αναρτήθηκε 09/03/2025 στο Youtube κανάλι Rapid Trailer
곧 보겠군
Ngl show kinda sucked
agenda 2030
Can it be any worse than the first series. Crap acting ruined it by both of them 😒
lets see if they stay true to the game and axe joel or they adapt
ahhhhhhhhhh so excited
Love how both of these have been timed for the PC release!
new 10 episodes of just talking
Situation when you're worrying more about Zombi, not about this LGGGGB÷%%&&^$@
This is when I check out. The actress for Ellie was already a weak point, and her acting chops won't be able to carry the story, season 2 is built off of a horrible game, and the story is just trash overall.
Pedro is a woke DEI scumbag ass clown!
I still don't understand why they have to throw all the gay crap in there. Makes it almost unwatchable.
Now bring back Mandalorian
Looks amazing. Can't wait!