Η Τελετή επαναλειτουργίας του Καθεδρικού Ναού της Νοτρ Νταμ στο Παρίσι
Στις 7 Δεκεμβρίου, ο εμβληματικός Καθεδρικός Ναός Νοτρ Νταμ στο Παρίσι άνοιξε ξανά τις πόρτες του μετά από μια καταστροφική πυρκαγιά που έπληξε το κτήριο το 2019, προκαλώντας σοβαρές ζημιές σε αυτή την αρχιτεκτονική θησαυρό του γοτθικού ρυθμού. Η ανακαίνιση της Καθεδρικής, η οποία κόστισε εκατομμύρια ευρώ και απαιτούσε την εργασία χιλιάδων ειδικών, έχει πλέον ολοκληρωθεί, επιτρέποντας στους επισκέπτες να απολαύσουν ξανά την ιστορική και πολιτισμική κληρονομιά που αντιπροσωπεύει η Νοτρ Νταμ.
Στην τελετή επαναλειτουργίας, αναμένονται διάσημοι προσκεκλημένοι καθώς και εκπρόσωποι της γαλλικής κυβέρνησης, ενώ προγραμματίζονται και καλλιτεχνικές εκδηλώσεις που θα τιμήσουν την ιστορία του καθεδρικού ναού. Η Καθεδρική Ναός της Νοτρ Νταμ δεν είναι μόνο ένα θρησκευτικό μνημείο, αλλά και ένα σημαντικό δημοφιλή τουριστικό αξιοθέατο, προσελκύοντας κάθε χρόνο εκατομμύρια επισ visitors από όλο τον κόσμο.
Η πυρκαγιά του 2019 είχε σοκάρει τη διεθνή κοινότητα και είχε κινητοποιήσει μια πλατιά κινητοποίηση για την αποκατάσταση του ναού. Μετά από χρόνια σκληρής δουλειάς, η επιτυχία της αποκατάστασης αποδεικνύει την επιμονή και την αφοσίωση της γαλλικής κοινωνίας στην πολιτιστική τους κληρονομιά.
Οι ανακαινισμένοι χώροι της Καθεδρικής αναμένεται να προσφέρουν στους επισκέπτες την ευκαιρία να βιώσουν από κοντά την ομορφιά και την αρχιτεκτονική ιδιοφυΐα του κτηρίου. Η επαναλειτουργία της Νοτρ Νταμ συμβολίζει την ελπίδα και τη δύναμη της αναγέννησης, επαναφέροντας ένα μέρος της παριζιάνικης ζωής που είχε απουσιάσει τόσο καιρό.
Το άρθρο συντάχθηκε με τη βοήθεια του GretAi
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Το Video “WATCH: Reopening ceremony for Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris | NBC News” αναρτήθηκε 07/12/2024 στο Youtube κανάλι NBC News
And all those Fish Hat Men or a few small hat men 😂😂😂😂😂😂 Just men🙄
All those Freemason tiles.😮
Let the Freemason's know that Mary does not need a stronger man to teach her. Especially not an orange man bad, moronic whatever. Find your own Mary Freemasons. My family dies not accept you. We REFUSE you!!!!
Where did the Templar come from who set fire to it? Mars? Orion? Ah, England 😌
India went Freemason😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 offering the Mary aka red heifer to slaughter. Thought they were vegetarians😂
Bill Grears effort is wasted
Jesus is God, King of the King !
This major event of reopening Notre-Damw Cathedral means an immense labour of love from all those who delivered their skills, knowledge, competence, devotion to bring to Light this magnificent Cathedral. Thanks very much indeed. Be blessed!
May those Bells ring for good throughout Paris. France, and reach the world in Joy and Peace.
These are the people who water the green grass with the red blood of your children. Beware, they always have done it, do it and will continue to do it.😢
Quand le monde entier se rassemble pour atteindre un objectif. Il y arrive !! Si seulement on pouvait toujours agir ainsi !! On pourrait vaincre les maladies, la faim et la misère on pourrait tout faire !! Mais malheureusement … Nous n'y arrivons pas …😞😞
Vive le France.
The French president,Macron is a very wise man.he is able to rebuild a place of worship for the only world renowned and world recognized church which is the Catholic Church.He is able to bring all world leaders like Donald Trump, Queen of Spain, president Zelensky,prince of UK and others to identify with a God given task…in a bid to settle some pending issues with Trump and Zelensky. In fact, macron has cast his high reputation in gold.may almighty God bless him and his family beyond human imaginations.
God bless France
God Vatican City
God bless Nigeria my country. ..
And Germany has to play its cards right. They still own all the tickets 😅
Now that organ music was enough to make you cry.
ウクライナ、ジェネンスキイー大統領命がけの戦争中フランス国ノートルダム大聖堂修復建造完成式のレセプション祝いに出席された姿を拝見出来て大変に喜ばしく思いました。戦争の最中質素な衣服に大統領としてウクライナ国民の為に気遣いされての質素なお姿素晴らしい✨‼️❣️と心より頭が下がりました。フランス国の修復大聖堂にかかわられました方々にも尊敬そして敬意を申し上げます。今日の日をおめでとうございました。三位一体のカトリックの神様は世界じゅうの人々に恵みと平和平安をお与え下さいます。世界中が戦争の無い国に成って行きます様に祈らずにはいられませんでした。世界中の人々が心を一つに出来 ます様に祈ります。三位一体のカトリックの神に賛美、主に栄光、アレルヤ➕✨🌹☺️🙏日本千葉県八千代市島津典子大聖堂のアンジェラスの鐘の音に賛美、アレルヤ❣️‼️
only i think this is masonic absurd? non-christian god bilding
Where was the Pope? Very disappointed by this Pope. Hopefully the next one will be more Christian !
lefty France, instead of a cross at spire now u got a……rooster lol. that was a real goal to burn old catholic europe.
Great respect for France! Rebuild Notre-Dame in just 5 years as it was 800 years ago!!! God must bless France!!!
Why has a ceremony thats supposed to be about Christianity, architecture and historical significance been turned into a political commentary???? Watch the way European news outlets commented the opening compared to the USA, its always about politics with americans jesus
Why cant they just put the ceremony without commentary, just let us watch the thing
What an amazing feat, absolutely incredible… it gleams like new!
No traditional Catholic Priests, Mass or Music!
Those ugly vestments those Priests wore are not Catholic!
Checkered Freemason floor!
This place will burn again!
Magnifique . Merci aux américains pour les dons pour la reconstruction de la cathédrale.
I'm surprised the hunchback of Notre dame didn't get on my Netflix suggests yet.
What a blessed,happy occasion!
I wish that I knew who's who?
The welcoming ceremony for the workers and firemen was awsomr.
There were moments that the tv announcers should have to shut up and let the live broadcast speak for itself. You really do not know when to keep silent.
President Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. is of French ancestry on his father's side. He should have been there with Jill.
1:21:40 Important correction: The kings of France were traditionally crowned at Reims Cathedral. This tradition dates back to the 5th century, when King Clovis I, considered the first king of the Franks, was baptized and crowned in Reims in 496. The confusion may stem from the fact that Notre-Dame de Paris has been used for other important ceremonies, such as weddings and royal religious celebrations.
Fun fact: Joan of Arc had promised to liberate France and lead the dauphin Charles to his coronation in Reims, which he did when he became Charles VII on July 17, 1429. This promise symbolized divine recognition of the king's legitimacy and marked a decisive turning point in the Hundred Years' War.
Thank you!! I have so enjoyed this video.
At 1:23:23 It's also worth mentioning that this group of people shown to the right of the firefighters are the craftsmen and craftswomen who restored the cathedral. Stained glass Artists and vitrialists, painting consevators, Master and conservation masons specialized in using old techniques (with modern tools when appropriate), sculpture conservators/restorers, carpenters also using old techniques to replace the beams etc.: the whole team of Cathedral builders.
Fun fact: Several skilled artisans from the USA traveled to France for hands-on restoration work. For example, Patrick Gorman, a timber specialist and American carpenter, was involved in the restoration of Notre-Dame's wooden framework (the "forest") and roof. He worked alongside French artisans to reconstruct the medieval techniques used in the original construction.
We say thanks to those who saved Notre-Dame from total destruction (firefighters on the left), and thanks to those who resurrected her (talented artists and craftsman/craftswomen on the right).
this is beautiful
It is a building worship.
Has nothing to do with the Holy Spirit .
It is wordly .Just like christmas .
And God , hate wordly things and money worship
Don t be deceived , children of God and learn from Jesus Christ .
Ich fand es wunderbar, das Geläute von Notre Dame wieder zu hören!
Trotzdem in ich etwas traurig. Während der gesamten Zeremonie sah ich nicht einen einzigen Politiker aus Österreich! Nicht mal unseren Kardinal Christoph Schönborn, der lange Zeit als neuer Papst gehandelt wurde!
L' apertura della Cattedrale è stata toccante .
It would’ve been nice if they told us who some of these people are.
And the French president, after allowing the Olympic blasphemy to take part in Paris, is present in this cathedral. Unreal. God won’t be mocked!
45:00 President elect Trump arrives
The filth