Στην Παγκόσμια Διάσκεψη Ρομποτικής του 2024, η Κίνα παρουσίασε τις ταχέως εξελιγμένες δυνατότητές της στη ρομποτική, παρουσιάζοντας μια σειρά από πρωτοποριακές εξελίξεις και καινοτόμες λύσεις που υποσχέονται να επαναστατήσουν το μέλλον της τεχνολογίας. Η φετινή εκδήλωση, γιορτάζοντας την δέκατη επέτειό της, έδωσε έμφαση στους ανθρωποειδείς ρομπότ, σηματοδοτώντας μια σαφή στροφή προς ανθρωπομορφικούς σχεδιασμούς που αναμένεται να μεταμορφώσουν βιομηχανίες που κυμαίνονται από την κατασκευή μέχρι την υγειονομική περίθαλψη. Κινεζικές εταιρείες όπως η UBTech και η Qingbao προχώρησαν σε σημαντικά βήματα, παρουσιάζοντας ρομπότ ικανά για σύνθετες εργασίες που όχι μόνο ανταγωνίζονται αλλά και αμφισβητούν τους διεθνείς γίγαντες όπως η Tesla και το μοντέλο Optimus τους.
Σε αυτό το βίντεο, παρέχουμε μια λεπτομερή επισκόπηση των πιο εντυπωσιακών εκθεμάτων και των προηγμένων τεχνολογιών που αποκαλύφθηκαν στην WRC 2024. Από το έτοιμο προς παραγωγή Walker S Lite, σχεδιασμένο να επαναστατήσει την έξυπνη παραγωγή, μέχρι τις εξαιρετικά ρεαλιστικές δημιουργίες των EX Robots, που μιμούνται τα ανθρώπινα συναισθήματα και τις εκφράσεις του προσώπου, το συνέδριο τόνισε την αυξανόμενη πολυπλοκότητα και ικανότητα της κινεζικής ρομποτικής. Ο NAVIAI Navigator 2 εντυπωσίασε το κοινό με την ευχέρεια και τη προηγμένη επεξεργαστική του ικανότητα, ενώ το ανοιχτού κώδικα ρομπότ Qinglong παρουσίασε την προοπτική για συνεργατική καινοτομία στον τομέα της ρομποτικής.
Επιπλέον, το συνέδριο παρουσίασε όχι μόνο ανθρωποειδή ρομπότ αλλά και εξειδικευμένα μοντέλα για οικιακή χρήση, όπως ο πολύπλευρος βοηθός οικίας UniX AI και το εξαιρετικά ακριβές Astribot S1. Με ισχυρή παρουσία ρομπότ που σχεδιάστηκαν για βιομηχανικές, ιατρικές και ακόμη και διασωστικές εργασίες, η Παγκόσμια Διάσκεψη Ρομποτικής 2024 υπογράμμισε τη δέσμευση της Κίνας να γίνει παγκόσμιος ηγέτης στην τεχνολογία ρομποτικής. Ελάτε μαζί μας καθώς εξερευνούμε αυτές τις καινοτομίες που είναι έτοιμες να επηρεάσουν κάθε πτυχή της ζωής μας, από το εργοστάσιο μέχρι το σαλόνι μας.
Η μετάφραση στα Ελληνικά έγινε με τη βοήθεια του GretAi
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Το Video “WRC 2024 – China's largest robot exhibition | Robots and technologies at the exhibition in China” αναρτήθηκε 29/08/2024 στο Youtube κανάλι PRO ROBOTS
China will beat America in the future if we keep going in the direction we are going in. We must step up our educational system.
They currently have the most people add that to unlimited numbers of bots… we just don't want to war with them.
I guess in about 10 years they look much more human…and are more agile.. in about 15 years humanoid robots will be mass-produced… But who knows for sure..,???? 🤖?
21:06 university of Michigan Data Science Ethics 21:15 89.77 21:20
China. Technologies 10 years ahead of the rest of the world.
We will need them 2040 and sometime after. Good stuff. Builders coming soon🤣🤣
5:18 Elon was recruiting drivers for his optimums to wolf ticket hype that optimus passed its issues and can now do autonomous task….pfft the recent showcasing of optimus in the western market was people driving the suits in controlled environments this desperate rather misleading has anyone not noticed this ?
Pretty amazing. The speed of development is certainly increasing, since as oone manufacturer solves a set of problems, others follow their lead very rapidly. Whils the truly "fully humanoids" might be more in the domain of the very wealthy, I can easily see smaller. more utilitarian machines becoming widespread. Older models will need repair / upkeep, so there will certainly be very interesting (and no doubt rewarding) future career opportunities in "consumer sector" robot maintenance and repair. Maybe such repairers will be as ubiquitous as today's independent car maintenance garages?
I remember the Robot Cop movies and TV series. This is reality, not a movie.
So cool!
Why do robots have to look as if they are "human"? There is no need for this, build them as a machine which looks like a machine to do a particular function! A robotic machine should only ever be built to perform a function deemed to dangerous or too repetitive for a "real" person to do!
Tesla robot didnt perform because it doesn't work. Just for show
Enjoy life now while you have a job and can afford it
They all look scary, hope a good future for humanity!!!!
More stolen tech
Humans are more insecure than robots, even though they created them. The biggest challenge ahead is not just to build or optimize robots, but to remove insecurities in humans so that all can thrive together. Cheers !
In a few years, they will need to create labor laws and wages for robots, or who will buy the products when all professions have been replaced by robots and AI?
Selama ini , hanya orang China yang pernah bersama dengan saya dalam hal pekerjaan atau kreasi , saya tidak menutup diri ,jika ada yang lain lagi dapat saya temukan sebagai koneksi .
China is moving forward at high speed building robots and United States going backwards by creating more genders.
I always had the 200k in my head. That's about what it would take. Things are moving quickly.
I think law is going to become important soon.
Downvoted but only for that stupid innovative solutions music added in between speaking clips. Absolutely awful. It never was good, and still isn't.
I recently enrolled my child in a 3-month robotics program at Moonpreneur after attending an in-person workshop. Many people say that robotics engineering will be in demand in the future, so I’m wondering if this was a wise decision.
I hope to see an international robot fighting competition soon and make the movie a reality.
We’re doing it. We’re actually making this happen for better or worse.
@11:29 he calls it a 'robut'. 😂😂😂 But seriously this industry that makes electro-mechanical robots that either take over human tasks or incorporate with existing human tasks need to stop focusing on making humanoid type robots. Robots don't need to have two legs, they don't need to have two arms, they don't need to have one head. This is the glaringly obvious waste of development money in this industry. Those that figure this out and whom angle their development more towards function and less towards humanoid will be the first companies to have success. Humanoid style robots with an equivalent AI to that of a human is so amazingly far off that any work that's done on that now, while important as a building block, will not net results in any 10, 20 or even 50 year timeline. That's right folks we are way more than 50 years away from AI working as a humanoid robot. What companies need to do, if they're smart and have a vision for the next 10 to 20 years, is focus on functionality. So that means stop focusing on legs and human heads and start focusing on tracks, multiple legs, wheels, multi-physical functios and FAR less humanoid form, and more functional to the environment form. You want to slap a wig and a silly little head on it with googly eyes? Go ahead. The point is these companies are wasting their money thinking they're going to develop something to the market but yet there are generationally back from ever even being close to that point. Generationally. To those companies that want to actually apply something in the market go with function and stray as far away from humanoid as possible. That opens up a world of possibilities from an engineering perspective. You're welcome.
Copied, copied and mass produced. There is NO innovating that I can see here. Why isn’t this channel (China propaganda mouth piece) has just few thousand views?
Because there's just not enough people in China willing to do cheap labor. This is sad.
Hahaha…what a joke. It’s all fake.
It looks like you're getting pretty close to having a female robot that can help but you keep messing around and showing the same thing over and over and over and not doing anything to make the robot useful to any men who need one and plus you have what $200000 to get 1. What are you insane? Nobody here can afford that. Let's start making making them, you get one working and then copy it and make a 1000 or 2000 or 3000 of them knock that price down to 5 or 6000 where we can actually afford it. You people are crazy because we have so many taxes and everything else that we have to pay. We can't afford something like that. You'd have to sell everything you got to buy. It. Then what do you got? You got nothing you got nowhere to live. You got nothing you people are goofing around and you know all this d*** outrageous expense is crazy. You need to get your act together and start doing what we need. Not what you think would be cool to show off on TV. We already know you're smart as hell. Let's see you put something together and make it work for us.Not your tv program
That's awesome to get one that doesn't have the wheels, but why can't the guys that are been making for how many years these rubber dolls? Then all they can do is move their head and look stupid when they talk because they just like chatter, no-take that robot's intelligence and put it in one of them. That's something you could do and make that walk and talk and do what you need it to do. Due to dishes due to vacuuming. All that apparently, it can't be that hard because you got a robot on wheels that can do it. Why can't you put it in the rubber doll and make it do it? At least it would be beautiful, while it's doing it. And you could talk to it, it would talk to you, you said it, can it can learn stuff well, that'd be great. That's what the hell we need. They don't need a stupid robot on wheels
Tesla robotics is a JOKE…just something else that Elonia. can promise to deliver "real soon now" that inflates the stock price. Like FSD which he's been promising "really…this year" for 9 consecutive years. I've always felt that companies where leadership is 99% focused on robotics would easily overwhelm Tesla. 2025 will be a critical year.
Weak & discombobulated video!
None of these bots 🤖 can do the Michael Jackson in the song 🎶 “Dancing Machine”….
Dancing 🎼
Dancing 🎶
Dancing 🎵
Dancing Machine …
Love to watch her do her thang. 🎶
Why making robots look likes humans or why give robots boobs? And i surely dont need robots that fakes emotions because i know they dont have any real emotions.
Robo cop should have stayed home.
Hey, 4 months later! Can’t be talking shit about Elon musks FSD now😂
when is the next 2025 exhibit to prepare for trip-would anybody know
These are not the same Asians the world admires. These are not same respected Asians people told stories of . These are not the same Asians in those temples people pray to. These are not the same Asians that are responsible with human energy . Responsible Asians conserve energy for efficiency in life’s demands. Black and brown people save our planet ! The Asians are LOST!
When AI and robots build and educate themselves we become obsolete
I wonder what would we feel about our leader,Megatron gonna lead us.Now i can see🥳
The wheeled version, WOW an absolutely worthless configuration that does nothing but move around.