General al-Burhan of Sudan speaks at UN Assembly simultaneous to his army launching significant offensive against RSF

General al-Burhan of Sudan speaks at UN Assembly simultaneous to his army launching significant offensive against RSF

Sudan’s General al-Burhan took to the podium at the UN General Assembly on Thursday to advocate for peace in his country. However, as he delivered his speech, his army launched a major offensive against the Rapid Support Forces (RSF).

The RSF, a paramilitary group formed from the remnants of the Janjaweed militia, has been accused of human rights abuses and atrocities in Sudan. The offensive by General al-Burhan’s army marks a significant turning point in the ongoing power struggles within the country.

The General’s address at the UN Assembly aimed to present a united front and commitment to peace in Sudan. However, the timing of the offensive against the RSF raises questions about the true motives and intentions of the military leadership.

As the situation in Sudan continues to unfold, it remains to be seen how the international community will respond to General al-Burhan’s actions. The General’s call for peace at the UN must be reconciled with the violent actions being taken by his army on the ground.

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Video “Sudan General al-Burhan addresses UN Assembly as his army launches a major offensive against RSF” was uploaded on 09/27/2024 to Youtube Channel FRANCE 24 English