In the heartwarming film “Two Against Time,” viewers are taken on a emotional journey as they follow the true story of single mother Julie Portman, portrayed by the talented Marlo Thomas, and her teenage daughter Emma, played by Ellen Muth. The film explores the challenges the mother-daughter duo face as they navigate through life’s obstacles, including Julie’s battle with a terminal illness.
Directed by David Anspaugh and written by Pamela K. Long, “Two Against Time” beautifully captures the bond between a mother and daughter as they confront difficult circumstances together. The performances by Thomas and Muth are both captivating and moving, drawing audiences in and keeping them emotionally invested in the characters’ struggles.
As the story unfolds, viewers are taken on a rollercoaster of emotions as the strength of Julie and Emma’s relationship is put to the test. Through heartfelt moments and poignant dialogue, the film highlights the power of love and connection in the face of adversity.
Filled with powerful performances and a touching storyline, “Two Against Time” is a must-watch for anyone looking for a heartwarming tale of family, love, and resilience. With strong performances from the talented cast and a moving story that will tug at your heartstrings, this film is sure to leave a lasting impression on audiences.
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Video “Two Against Time | FREE MOVIE (Marlo Thomas, Ellen Muth)” was uploaded on 12/08/2024 to Youtube Channel Stream City
Marlo Thomas is a chip off the old block , Danny Thomas . What a wonderful father , daughter there saints for children .
they love each other they went through life learned alot mom no longer here they both have cancer her daughter made it will always remember mom brother with her God bless you and your family members
Sorry but this daughter is a nasty selfish brat.
It ashame that marlow could of had a good man in her life but she didnt want him to go through a rough time if she died.
This is a better cancer movie then the ones at the show like the fault is in our star wasnt all that sad not like this movie.
Shirley here. I grew up watching That Girl and even the reruns today.
Her daughter just didnt realize how much her mom loved her, and when she found out aboit her moms mother ending her life and she hated her mom for dying when she need her most. When her daughter found out the truth she changed.
Tear jerker saw it a few times and know it's free on YT.
Beautiful Soundtrack. 🥰
Very good movie, but sad. Thank u for posting it. This channel has alot of good movies. Thanks
Emma had a loving and caring mother even doe she was disrespectful to her mother she never give up on her in the end Emma realize how loving and caring her mother is to her the movie 🎥 was sad 😭😭😭😭😢😢
pharmaceutical world is a multi-billion business before covid19 hit our world.. this pharma kingdom was about to go bankrupt …now you know why they dont cure people.. they need you to go on a maintenance medicines so they can accumulate as much income through out your life span.. dependency is the word.. if there,s such a thing …they have perfected this … since my son was detected of HIV ..he is on ARVs meds for like 15 years … and now he is none detectable virus of HIV.. i ried testing the rapidtest easy kit and he came out negative virus..
Dear youtube, would you please not recommend me these sad movies anymore? I'm a happy girl. Thanks. Beautiful movie btw, but way too sad.
Really good movie. Thanks!
Whe will humans get how futile and fragile we truly are???
The medical industrial complex doesn’t want you to get better. And they especially don’t want to tell you about alternative treatments. And when people watch movies like this, they believe they have no option but believe what they’re told.
I like Marlo Thomas