Northern California Summer Travel Plans Update – Video

Northern California Summer Travel Plans Update – Video

After two months of traveling to eight countries in Europe, Gabriel Morris is back home in the United States and ready to share his summer travel plans from Northern California. In this video, Gabriel talks about his recent travels through Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands, and his return to California. He shares his plans to visit family and attend a dental appointment before potentially heading to the Rainbow Gathering in Northeastern California.

Gabriel also mentions his flexible plans for camping, hiking, and possibly road tripping around California and Oregon in the coming weeks. He considers taking a break from daily vlogging and internet news to reconnect with nature. Additionally, he hints at possible future travels to Hawaii, Canada, Japan, and other destinations in the fall.

With a mix of spontaneous adventures and planned visits, Gabriel’s travel plans promise to be exciting, varied, and full of new experiences. Stay tuned for more updates and travel stories from this seasoned traveler and outdoor enthusiast in the coming months.

Watch the video by Gabriel Traveler

Video “Summer Travel Plans Update From Northern California” was uploaded on 06/23/2024. Watch all the latest Videos by Gabriel Traveler on Gretopia