Dogman: The Litter’s Wrath (Thriller) Full Movie

Dogman: The Litter’s Wrath (Thriller) Full Movie

In the movie “Dogman: the Wrath of the Litter”, director Richard Brauer takes viewers back to a Midwestern community where a year has passed since the legendary Dogman wreaked havoc. Just when peace and quiet have settled in, a new threat emerges in the form of a litter of grown Dogman pups, standing over seven feet tall and ready to continue their terrifying legacy.

Led by a bad bunch of killer canines, these pups must be stopped before they cause more chaos and destruction. Starring Larry Joe Campbell, Mariann Mayberry, and Kimberly Guerrero, the film is a thrilling mix of horror, thriller, and drama that will have you on the edge of your seat.

With subtitles available for a fully immersive viewing experience, “Dogman: the Wrath of the Litter” is a must-watch for fans of the genre. Brace yourself for an intense ride as you witness the battle against these monstrous creatures unfold on screen.

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Video “Dogman: the Wrath of the Litter (Thriller) Full Movie” was uploaded on 08/30/2024 to Youtube Channel Cinéfilm