19 Unusual Aspects of CUBA! – Video

19 Unusual Aspects of CUBA! – Video

19 Strangest Things About CUBA!
Cuba is the Caribbean’s jewel, renowned not only for its stunning beaches and vibrant dances but also for its rich history. Visiting Cuba, tourists are immersed in a colorful environment where the past and present blend uniquely.
Here, people travel by horse-drawn carriages and bicycles because cars are scarce, and only vintage vehicles remain. Despite its small size and embargo, Cuba boasts one of the world’s most advanced healthcare and education systems. In this country, selling Coca-Cola is illegal, and there are no Starbucks or McDonald’s. Even before 2018, there was virtually no Internet in Cuba. Interestingly, Cuba still issues food ration coupons today.
Let’s explore 19 of the strangest things about Cuba!

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Video “19 Strangest Things About CUBA!” was uploaded on 08/18/2024 to Youtube Channel DiscoveryQuest