Argentinian Cowboy Sundance Documentary

Argentinian Cowboy Sundance Documentary

No strangers to Sundance, filmmaker/cinematographer Gregory Kershaw and filmmaker/visual artist Michael Dweck (2018’s “The Last Race,” 2020’s “The Truffle Hunters”) are back for this 40th edition with their latest unsurprisingly cinematic, nonfiction study “Gaucho Gaucho.” While the acclaimed duo’s previous docs were set at a Long Island racetrack and in the Italian countryside, respectively, “Gaucho Gaucho” is an “Argentinean Western” (according to the Sundance synopsis) that takes place in the remote plains of that faraway, South American land. And therein lies the rub.

On the upside, “Gaucho Gaucho” is exquisitely crafted, with sumptuous black-and-white cinematography, camera angles framed askew, and eye-catching slo-mo sequences. (Cowboys atop galloping horses makes for one heart-pounding mix.) Not to mention an operatic — at times literally — score. (And Los Gatos’s “La Balsa” is an ear worm for sure.) And yet this heavily stylized, and often overly staged, approach actually ends up overwhelming the story the North American filmmakers have supposedly traveled all the way to the Global South to tell.

For the title refers to the shrinking community of cowboys and cowgirls (the gaucho gauchos – i.e., the “real” gauchos – as one cutesy little aspiring cowboy puts it) set on defying modernity and sticking to their traditional way of life. Which includes never-ending expressions of spirituality and…

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The post “Argentinian Cowboy Sundance Documentary – IndieWire” by Christian Zilko was published on 01/20/2024 by