15 Korean Taboos and Bizarre Customs That Surprised the World! – Video

15 Korean Taboos and Bizarre Customs That Surprised the World! – Video

15 Taboos in KOREA and Weird Things That Shocked the Whole World!
I can tell you a lot about the strange laws in an extremely developed Asian country – South Korea. Known for its rapid development, along with cultural icons like K-pop and Hallyu, South Korea also leaves a strong impression with its quirky and sometimes very strict regulations. Without keeping you curious any longer, let’s start the journey to explore 15 prohibitions and strange things that only exist in this country.

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15 prohibited and strange things in Korea that shocked the world heavily I can tell you a lot about the strange laws in an extremely developed Asian country South Korea known for its rapid development along with cultural icons like K-pop and Halu South Korea also leaves a strong impression with its

Quirky and sometimes very strict regulations without keeping you curious any longer let’s start the journey to explore 15 prohibitions and strange things that only exist in this country prohibition on wasting food if you have ever watched Korean movies who been to South Korea you will notice that they never leave any leftover food

Koreans are known for valuing and being Frugal with their food this attitude towards food appreciation may have ancient Korean children are taught from a young age to eat sparingly and not waste food the way Koreans Express their respect for food is also a manif estation of gratitude or Nature’s Bounty

And appreciation for those who cook delicious meals therefore they eat with utmost joy and heartfelt thanks in every Korean household there is usually a large refrigerator to store food If You observe a Korean breakfast you will see a table filled with various dishes but each dish is often prepared in small

Portions the dining table includes various types of soup rice inside dishes in a traditional Korean family a meal typically consists of six dishes each family may choose different side dishes to suit the tastes of its members importantly they almost always finish everything placed on the table Korean

Women are also Adept at balancing the portions to ensure everyone is satisfied with just the right amount of food for the family’s appetite number 14 comfortably discussing hygiene matters another thing that will astonish you about Korean is that while Korean culture seems to highly value modesty and respect for

Others it’s quite irrational that they are very open about discussing hygiene matters in public yes they can talk about it even during meals discussing how their stomach feels today any issues with their digestive system topics related to home hygiene proper hygiene practices and even the effects of certain foods on their bowel movements

All discussed as comfortably as any other casual Topic in Korean culture people can feel at ease disc ing topics such as personal hygiene including discussing hygiene matters while eating in this cultural context talking about health and hygiene is not considered sensitive or something to be avoided if you hear Koreans discussing such matters

During a meal just try to keep eating as they won’t stop anytime soon number 13 prohibitions in gift giving in every culture gifts carry different meaning Koreans also have specific tabos guarding gifts that we should avoid preventing unfortunate misunderstandings it is not advisable to choose sharp objects such as knives

Scissors Etc as gifts when receiving such a gift Koreans may think that you want to sever ties with them sharp objects are also believed to symbolize evil and malevolence so receiving a gift like a knife or scissors is considered inauspicious another prohibited gift is a handkerchief in Korean culture

Handkerchiefs are used to wipe sweat and te tears symbolizing hard work and sorrow moreover when transliterated into H cha characters used in Korean writing a handkerchief also carries the meaning of separation or farewell for couples in love it’s highly discouraged to give shoes a pair of shoes is seen as a means

For both to quickly walk out of the relationship therefore when giving shoes to a romantic partner they may give you back a small amount of money this action turns gift giving into a transaction preventing any negative impact on the relationship remember these details to choose a suitable gift for your beloved Korean

Friend prohibition on tipping at restaurant or you’re very pleased with the service at a shop in South Korea and you want to show your appreciation with a little tip however as soon as you offer it you receive an angry look from the server and they immediately wave you

Off why is that you’re just trying to thank them right I know it seems very illogical but let’s stay calm because things are not as you think it’s just a bit of a misunderstanding here south Koreans often expect high quality service from staff at restaurants eateries and other services therefore

Good service is seen as part of their professional responsibility not something that needs to be rewarded with a tip if you offer them money they might think you are disrespecting them and they may pretend to be grateful just to get more money rather than genuinely acknowledging their good service

Negative attitudes towards the concept of tipping in South Korea are quite common service Personnel shopkeepers or taxi drivers in South Korea never bring up the topic of tips instead of leaving a tip you can tell them to keep the change if you feel it’s not worth much this approach is considered more subtle

And polite number 11 prohibition on revealing tattoos if you’re in South Korea and have tattoos who should find a way to cover them up immediately this could be considered a survival rule when visiting this country despite being a developed Nation South Korea remains very conservative regarding the concept

Of tattoos social prejudices and strict legal regulations have led many public places in the land of kimchi to refuse service to individuals with tattoos signs like not allowed if the tattoo is larger than 15 cm or cover your tattoos with clothing when any entering the gym occasionally appear in front of gyms

Swimming pools hotels or caves in South Korea statistics indicate that tattoos are becoming more common in South Korea especially among the younger generation however for various reasons Society does not fully accept or hold certain biases against those with tattoos one of the reasons is that many recent crimes and

Suspects in South Korea have had tattoos Confucianism widely practiced in South Korea tends to create negative perceptions of tattoos with the idea that humans should preserve their bodies as they were born tattoos are also prohibited in mainstream media television producers often cover actors tattoos with flesh colored tape or

Makeup even though the broadcasting commission does not have specific regulations about airing tattoos on screen a recent survey by Korea research with 1,000 people aged 18 and older found that about 66% of adults consider tattoos a mistake and 60% feel uncomfortable with large tattoos to avoid unnecessary trouble and

Being denied service it’s advisible to cover up tattoos when visiting this Country number Tims at the dining table once again let’s delve into Korean dining etiquette but this time I won’t talk about Chopstick usage instead I’ll discuss all the things prohibited when dining with Koreans unlike in some other Asian count where people lift their bowls while eating Koreans keep their

Bowls on the table and use chopsticks or a spoon to scoop up food lifting the bowl is considered akin to begging for food when eating soup Koreans also do not have the habit of lifting the bowl close to the mouth to sip the soup Koreans particularly dislike making

Noise while chewing rice this action is deemed impolite and can be unpleasant for others during a meal to avoid spitting out food they also limit talking while there is still food in their mouth mouths additionally one should neither eat too slowly nor too quickly it’s important to observe the

Eating pace of the eldest person at the table and adjust one speed accordingly finishing the meal and leaving the table before the eldest person is considered in general Koreans are very mindful of their eating habits although some actions may seem awkward to Outsiders they are considered polite

In Korean culture when in Korea try to eat in their manner to show respect for their culture number number four travelers to Korea might be surprised to find that the number four is often omitted in elevators hotel rooms and more as it is believed to bring bad luck the aversion

To the number four in Korea originates from ancient beliefs in the Korean language the pronunciation of the number four is like the word for death and is associated with various unfortunate occurrences Koreans even avoid combinations like 14 44 444 considering them even more inauspicious than the singled digigit

Four scientists believe this is a manifestations tetraphobia the fear of the number four symptoms of this phobia include avoiding the use in contact with the number four and its multiples and it is quite common in East Asian countries such as China Japan and Korea to avoid this number Koreans employ various

Methods in elevators they replace the number for with 3aa in public buildings funeral Halls hospitals Etc the fourth floor and room number four are often skipped this fear of the number four in Korean culture can be perplexing for foreign visitors who may think they are in the wrong place

When they see signs like ther or TH or assume there is a mistake with the numbering in addition to the number four Koreans also avoid the number 13 they often avoid Gatherings of 13 people associating this number with evil or bad luck so when in Korea it’s best not to

Mention the number four unless you want to be considered a bringer of bad Luck number is a Prohibition on touching people sleeping on the Street South Korea may have one of the lowest crime rates and highest life expectancies in the world but don’t assume that Koreans always lead extremely Healthy Lifestyles or don’t know how to enjoy life if you

Doubt it just look at these pictures of drunken men every Friday from the late afternoon to the evening the streets of the capital Soul become crowded and Lively with office workers heading home they spill onto the streets and into the subway however the destination is not home it’s the bars and restaurant after

A week of hard work this is how men relieve stress and have fun with friends but because of this around midnight you’ll witness the sight of drunken men lying spred in parks on benches or in the subway drinking has become a cultural aspect for Korean office workers it’s rare for you to escape

These gatherings as companies often provide financial support for employees to participate in drinking sessions the consequence of these gatherings is the night spent in a stuper on the streets or at Subway stations as you’ve seen of course these individuals are not in good condition and their health may be

Affected but never touch them or their belongings bystanders may consider you a criminal potential kidnapper or threat sleeping on the streets has become a cultural norm in Korean cities so no matter how much you want to help refrain from touching them number six prohibition on Staring at locals where in South Korea there

Might be many things and people that pique your interest just take a quick glance don’t stand there and stare at them from head to toe as they may scold you and ask you to leave simply put South Korea has has a culture that values respect for others staring can be

Seen as disrespectful and an invasion of personal boundaries being stared can affect a person’s self-confidence therefore behaviors that make others stand out from the crowd are often considered unwanted actions whether unintentional or intentional regardless of the context or your expression in most cultures staring Behavior tends to make people feel uncomfortable so when

In South Korea no matter how curious you are don’t stand there staring at others approach them and express your curiosity it will be better received smoking ban on the streets strolling around the streets of South Korea in the freezing weather you might feel the urge to light a cigarette

However as soon as you ignite it you might be surprised to find yourself approached by the police upon reaching the police station you’ll be informed that smoking in public places is prohibited in recent years smoking in public places in South Korea seems to be increasingly restricted restaurants cafes and even buildings are considered

No smoking zones the government has enacted laws to control smoking in public places prohibiting it in Subway entrances tourist areas stores and cafes although designated smoking areas have been specified by the government you may still see people smoking on the streets in South Korea for foreign visitors it’s

Advisable to observe no smoking signs carefully if you accidentally smoke in a restricted area you may face penalties under the law prohibition of writing names in red ink when in South Korea if you have to sign or write someone’s name absolutely I must emphasize absolutely do not use

Red ink because red symbolizes blood red ink from a pen is no different from an expression of blood a sign of pain and loss especially in South Korean culture in the past names of capital punishment criminals written in chicken blood later replaced by red ink moreover in Korean

Culture writing someone’s name in red ink is considered taboo as the red color serves as a reminder that their time on Earth is coming to an end this belief extends not only to individuals but also to groups organizations such as companies or businesses in a state of impending bankruptcy where the names of

The company owner or the company itself might be written in red ink when someone passes away their name is often written in red ink by family members with a belief that doing so will ward off evil spirits for the living writing names in red ink is believed to reverse this

Effect therefore people avoid using red ink for names except in cases where wooden or stamped seals are used to avoid being perceived as cursing others beyond that red is also a color that signifies fierceness and conflict in ancient times if Samurai wanted to duel with someone they would write the

Enemy’s name in red ink in a challenge letter in modern times this act May symbolize a desire to sever Communication in addition to these beliefs in everyday life today red ink is often associated with negative elements red pens are usually reserved for correcting mistakes so using them in other situations can create discomfort

And in some cases make people feel disrespected to avoid caus cusing discomfort and misunderstandings it’s advisable not to use red in when right number four should position and superstitions before exam in modern times we often strive to achieve what we want through effort but for Koreans effort alone is not enough they also

Incorporate elements of spirituality and luck especially when it comes to exams South Korea places great importance on the college entrance exam to achieve good results students must Focus intensely and dedicate all their energy to studying alongside these efforts they also follow certain tabos in the hope of

Smoothly passing the exams one food that is strictly avoided before exams is seaweed soup the slippery nature of seaweed might be associated with slipping in exams in fact there’s a Korean proverb that says eating seaweed soup with the meaning of failing an exam additionally foods high in oil and with

A glossy texture such as black bean noodles are on the list of things to avoid Koreans believe that consuming such slippery Foods may cause luck to slip away from them there’s also a Korean saying as broken as porridge so students tend to avoid eating porridge before exams in addition to these

Dietary restrictions students refrain from washing their hair the day before the exam as they believe it causes knowledge to slip away completely in general Koreans are quite superstitious and even if these practice IES may seem irrational it’s essential to respect their customs and Traditions forbidden Chopstick practices when visiting South Korea you might be eager to try their way of using Chopsticks however before lifting those Chopsticks it’s crucial to thoroughly understand the taboos in Korean culture to avoid unintentional offenses on even Chopsticks Crossing Chopsticks sticking Chopsticks into rice or chewing on Chopsticks are all considered major

Taboos from ancient times signifying bad luck in traditional beliefs it was thought that after a person passed away the coffin lid would not be sealed for a period the coffin is made up of two short wooden boards on the sides and three long wooden boards on the bottom

The combination of five short and long boards creates the shape of a coffin symbolizing an unfortunate event therefore uneven Chopsticks represent an ominous sign additionally tapping Chopsticks against the bould is associated with begging in the past only Beggars use chopsticks to tap on bowls to make a sound while requesting food

This behavior is considered disrespectful and inicios especially when dining with others one particularly Taboo action you should never commit is sticking Chopsticks vertically into a bowl of rice this act is akin to placing incense in a bowl resembling a ritual for the dead inserting Chopsticks into

Rice is believed to be similar to a ritual offering for the deceased if you find yourself doing this don’t be surprised if you’re met with disapproval and immediate attention to your perceived lack of awareness during the Meal number two drinking culture do Koreans like to drink surely you can observe this through many scenes in Korean dramas and movies Gatherings friend meetings or company parties are never without the presence of alcohol South Korea stipulates that only adults are allowed to drink therefore many people Express the desire to drink

Alcohol as soon as they come of age for Koreans drinking is not just about socializing it’s an interesting cultural aspect suchu represents Korean alcoholic beverages is a source of Pride for the nation it is a highly favored drink among Koreans due to its long-standing tradition and cultural significance this

Alcoholic beverage is widely promoted through various media channels Koreans enjoy Soju partly because of its affordable price sweet taste and ease of consumption however if you want to get drunk with them you need to consider whether they accept you doing so in their social Gatherings a single inappropriate action can change their

Perception of you when drinking Koreans is strictly forbidden from pouring their own drinks they should only pour for others it is essential to observe whether others have finished their drinks before refilling their glasses and pouring is only done when the glass is empty the tabo’s action is not to let

The mouth of the bottle touch the rim of the glass as this action is reserved for offering alcohol to the deceased when pouring for elders or those of higher status it must be done with both heads if an elder offers you a drink you should stand up bow slightly receive the

Drink with both hands and wait for them to drink before taking a sip yourself when taking a sip a younger person should turn away avoiding drinking directly in front of the elderly indeed I have not seen drinking rules as intricate as these but Asians have a

Saying when Rome do as the Romans do just follow these rules as a sign of respect for their culture noep v-neck clothes revealing some skin when wearing attractive outfits is common in many countries however in South Korea you won’t see any girl dressing in such a style even deep v-neck clothes might attract

Disapproving and disdainful looks from Koreans you may see Korean singers wearing very revealing outfits on stage as artists their dressing style tends to be more unconventional than most peoples as a leading country in the fashion industry Korean women naturally have countless choices but most of them refrain from wearing deep v neck clothes

For fear of being negatively judged South Koreans hold traditional and conservative views on women’s attire emphasizing modesty in clothing although modern individuals are generally more open-minded about fashion there is still a certain limit to this dress sty even when going to the beach Korean girls don’t wear bines they only wear them for

Photos and then change into thin covered dresses from head to toe despite not showing cleavage or revealing their figures I can assure you that Korean girls will still Captivate you if you plan to visit South Korea make sure to check and understand these rules to avoid awkward situations keep your trip

A memorable and positive experience if you enjoyed this video don’t forget to like share and subs subscribe to the channel to not miss out on other interesting videos about the cultures of countries around the world thank you for accompanying us and see you in the next videos

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Video “15 Taboos in KOREA and Weird Things That Shocked the Whole World!” was uploaded on 01/24/2024 to Youtube Channel DiscoveryQuest