“Discover 20 Surprising Historical Facts You were Unaware of” – Video

“Discover 20 Surprising Historical Facts You were Unaware of” – Video

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Top 20 Historical Facts You Didn’t Know. Every day, we discover new things – some about the future, others about the past. The events from the past can tell us a lot about how people lived back then. Some things they did might seem strange or even cause trouble if they happened today. There are also old practices that have been left behind because they were harmful. On the other hand, there were also amazing individuals who did great things in their time. Even if you studied history in school, chances are you didn’t hear about some really interesting historical events. In today’s video, we’ll explore twenty facts from history that you probably didn’t know.

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20 Historical Facts You Didn’t Know

20 Historical Facts You Didn’t Know

20 Historical Facts That You Didn’t Know

Every day we discover new things some about the future others about the past the events from the past can tell us a lot about how people lived back then some things they did might seem strange or even cause trouble if they happened today there are also old practices that

Have been left behind because they were harmful on the other hand there were also amazing individuals who did great things in their time even if you studied history in SCH School chances are you didn’t hear about some really interesting historical events in today’s video we’ll explore 20 facts from

History that you probably didn’t know number 20 Wars that incredibly started over food imagine a scenario where the origins of a war Trace back to an unexpected Source food it may seem implausible yet history presents us with the amusing yet real incident known as the pastry war of 1838 to 1839 this

Peculiar conflict unfold folded as a minor disagreement between Mexico and France sparked by a French pastry chef named missure rontel who had established a pastry shop in verac Cruz Mexico the Intriguing tale began in 1828 following a heated election dispute between presidential candidates Manuel Gomez Pedraza and Vicente Guerrero salana

Loyalists of the opposing candidates clashed on the streets resulting in the unfortunate destruction of property including missure rael’s pastry shop seeking reparation The French Chef approached the Mexican Government for compensation only to face refusal fast forward to early 1838 and France leveraged the unaddressed claims of its

Citizens as a pretext to dispatch a fleet to Mexico the mission to blockade the main Port of verac Cruz in response Mexico declared war on France leading to French troops attacking and capturing the city amidst the escalating tensions British diplomatic channels intervened prompting Mexico to agree to pay the

Demanded sum of 600,000 pesos to France with the financial dispute settled the French troops withdrew from verac Cruz and their Fleet sailed back to France in 1839 marking the end of this peculiar episode in history the pastry War serves as a fascinating reminder that conflicts even Wars can have surprising and

Unconventional Beginnings number 19 Thomas Edison didn’t invent the electric light bulb contrary to popular belief it was not Thomas Edison who conceived the idea of inventing the light bulb however he deserves credit for perfecting the device electric light bulbs had already made their debut before Edison’s time

With the carbon Ark light taking the stage in the early 19th century this Innovative source of light crafted by the British chemist Humphrey Davy in 1807 utilized The Vapor of battery heated carbon rods unfortunately these early bulbs had a drawback they required manual lighting leading to frequent burnouts various attempts followed

Davy’s invention including designs by Warren dearo whose Platinum filament proved too costly and William state whose batteries were were prohibitively expensive additionally Joseph Swan’s design suffered from inefficiency Edison recognizing the limitations of his predecessors acquired some of their patents and embarked on perfecting the light bulb in 1879 Edison introduced his

Groundbreaking invention although it initially had a limited operational lifespan so why is Edison credited with the invention the pivotal moment came in 1880 when he identified the right material for his light bulbs filament carbonized bamboo fiber this discovered significantly extended the burning time compared to previous materials ultimately solidifying Edison’s place in

History as The Mastermind behind the Practical and enduring electric light bulb number 18 the government once poisoned alcohol during Prohibition in response to escalating alcohol abuse in the United States the government implemented a drastic measure in 1926 prohibiting the production sale and consumption of alcohol this marked the

Beginning of the noble experiment where an unconventional strategy was employed to discourage alcohol consumption to achieve this the government mandated the inclusion of poisons like methanol in industrial alcohol rather than directly poisoning alcohol intended for consumption they enforced the denaturation of industrial alcohol making it inherently unhealthy companies added toxic chemicals including quinine

And methyl alcohol as a deterrent despite the ban the demand for alcohol persisted leading to the thriving sales of now toxic Liquors the consequences became apparent on January 1st 1927 with 41 deaths at New York’s Belleview Hospital due to alcohol rated poisonings as the detrimental impact of this strategy became clear the prohibition

Law was repealed in 1933 the federal poisoning program designed to deter alcohol consumption was estimated to have tragically caused at least 10,000 deaths it serves as a stark reminder of the unforeseen consequences of attempting to regulate societal Behavior through Extreme Measures number 17 Albert Einstein was once offered the

Presidency of Israel while Albert Einstein is widely recognized for his groundbreaking contributions to theoretical physics not everyone is aware of his foray into the political arena in 1952 an unexpected opportunity presented itself for Einstein to make a mark in the political world following the passing of chime vitman Israel’s

First president the Israeli government led by Prime Minister David benguan extended an offer to Einstein to assume the presidency it’s worth noting that in this context the role was more symbolic carrying the weight of Honor rather than wielding significant power and authority the rationale behind considering Einstein for this esteemed position was

Clear his unwavering support for the state of Israel throughout his lifetime however contrary to expectations Einstein declined the offer promptly he cited his advancing age and a perceived lack of relevant skills as reasons for his refusal remarkably he even turned down an official meeting with representatives of the Israeli Embassy

While the offer allowed him to continue knew his scientific Pursuits alongside the presidency it came with the condition of relocating to Israel a stipulation Einstein was unwilling to accept in light of Einstein’s decision Zionist leader Zach benv assumed the role later that year the episode not only sheds light on Einstein’s humility

And self-awareness but also highlights the delicate balance between honoring an individual for their contributions and respecting their personal choices and limitations number 16 the Olympics used to award medals for Exquisite Arts between 1912 and 1948 the Olympic Games expanded Beyond athletic achievements to include arts competitions in literature architecture sculpture painting and

Music winners were honored with gold silver and bronze medals this unique aspect of the games became widely known only on the eve of the H 100th anniversary of the first artistic competition in 1912 at the Summer Olympics in Stockholm American Walter Winans showcased his talent earning both

A gold in 1908 and and a silver in 19112 for a captivating sculpture featuring a 20-in tall horse pulling a small Chariot the inclusion of Arts in the Olympics traces back to Pierre du kuberan the founder of the modern Olympics who believed in the historical significance of art festivals in the ancient games

Despite awarding 151 medals across various creative disciplines the logistical challenge of determining artists amateur status led to the removal of artistic competitions from the Olympic Games while a nod to historical Traditions the evolving nature of the game’s prioritized athletic events resulting in the discontinuation of artistic competitions number 15 Columbus didn’t actually

Discover America the commonly held belief that Christopher Columbus discovered America has been ingrained in our understanding of History often reflected in American textbooks that typically begin the narrative in 1776 however this narrative overlooks the fact that America was already inhabited by diverse indigenous communities for at least 50 15,000 years

Before Columbus’s arrival Columbus set foot in the Americas at a time when the continent was home to numerous small Nations and several Empires including the Inca in Peru and the Aztecs in Mexico the credit for the first European settlement in the Americas goes to the Viking Explorer Eric the Red who

Established a colony in Greenland around 982 his son Leaf Ericson furthered these Endeavors by founding a settlement in New Finland around the year 1000 while the Greenland settlement endured for 300 years the one in New Finland faltered after just a decade so what did Columbus

Achieve to earn the title of the man who discovered America his historical significance lies in being the first European to successfully establish a foothold in the Americas and create a trade route for the transportation of goods and slaves in essence Columbus didn’t discover America he commercialized it the next time someone

Asserts that Columbus discovered America it’s a clear indication that they may not possess a comprehensive understanding of of the Rich and diverse history of the Americas number 14 the shortest War was between Britain and Zanzibar the Anglo Zanzibar war of 1896 holds the distinctive title of being the

Shortest war in history lasting a mere 38 minutes its Genesis lies in the heligoland Zanzibar treaty signed between Britain and Germany in 1890 which placed Zanzibar under British influence while Germany gained control over Mainland Tanzania with Zanzibar now a British protectorate efforts were made to install a puppet Sultan aligned with

British interests in 1893 hammad bin thui a British supporter assumed the position however after a brief three-year rule hammad’s demise under mysterious circumstances triggered a Swift and tumultuous succession upon hammad’s death his cousin Khaled seized control of the palace with Armed Forces defying basil Cave’s diplomatic call for

Him to step down basil cave the Chief Diplomat in the region witnessed the escalating tensions at 9:00 a.m. British ships were given the order to bombard the palace resulting in the rapid destruction of the majority of khaled’s artillery and forces within 2 minutes while khed managed to escape leaving his

Loyal servants and fighters to defend the palace the war concluded astonishingly swiftly by 940 a.m. a mere 38 minutes after the commencement of hostilities the Sultan’s flag was lowered the brevity of the Anglo Zanzibar War remains a remarkable historical footnote highlighting the Swift and decisive nature of this unique

Conflict number 13 the Persians once used cats as shields in the Battle of pelium ancient Egyptians deep reverence for cats had a surprising impact on the pelium war highlighting their profound Devotion to these feline creatures cats were more than mere pets they were seen as the embodiment of the Goddess bastet

Associated with home fertility and women’s Secrets this admiration for cats became evident during the Persian invasion of Egypt 529 522 BC King cus II recognized the cultural significance of cats and strategically gathered them along with dogs and sheep placing them in front of Persian soldiers as they approached the

Battlefield this unique cultural Dynamic included the high regard for dogs and sheep in ancient Egyptian Society in a tactical and psychological move the Persians painted images of cats on their Shields the Egyptians hesitant to harm the sacred animals due to their beliefs in the goddess bastet faced a dilemma

Between cultural convictions and the demands of War ultimately they chose to retreat from the battlefield the consequences were significant the Egyptians suffered defeat in the Battle of pelium in 525 BC falling under Persian control this historical episode stands as a compelling example where cultural reverence for Animals unexpectedly influenced the outcome of a

Military conflict number 12 elephants used to carry out executions the historical practice of execution by elephants known as gunga stands as a gruesome Testament to the intelligence and power of these majestic creatures spanning over 2,000 years this brutal form of punishment was prevalent in India as well as various parts of South

And Southeast Asia in the gungar execution elephants Guided by their mahouts or elephant trainers played a central role the mahout armed with a sharp metal hook exerted control over the massive animal compelling it to carry out commands with Brute Force the command however was nothing short of horrifying inflicting a slow and

Torturous death upon the accused the execution involved the crushing of the limbs of the convicted individual one by one followed by tossing dragging and even stabbing with the elephant’s tusks the maab sequence concluded with the brutal Act of crushing the victim’s skull this gruesome method of execution extended Beyond India finding prevalence

In neighboring Sri Lanka and the former Kingdom of sayam shockingly this cruel practice persisted into the 19th century showcasing the endurance of such brutal Traditions over the course of centuries the eventual decline of this barbaric form of punishment can be attributed to the increasing presence of the British

In India their influence and efforts towards reform played a pivotal role in bringing an end to the gruesome practice of execution by elephants marking a step towards more Humane forms of Justice number 11 the dancing plague the dancing plague of 1518 in stasbor stands out as one of history’s most enigmatic and

Peculiar epidemics it began when Madam trophy started dancing in the streets and the phenomenon rapidly escalated as more towns people joined in the inexplicable dance the dancing continued relentlessly with participants dancing around the clock some collapsing from exhaustion only to resume after a brief rest within a week over a thousand

People were caught up in this strange epidemic City authorities desperate to address the situation adopted unconventional measures of the time initially a designated building with an orchestra playing music was provided but it failed to alleviate the condition blood let a common medical practice was also attempted without success faced

With the spreading epidemic authorities resorted to mass transportation of the dancers out of the city successfully bringing an end to the phenomenon what adds to the Intrigue is that the dancing plague was not an isolated incident similar outbreaks occurred in the 14th century in France the 15th century in

Belgium and the 19th century in Madagascar scientists have speculated on various theories including Mass food poisoning involving psychoactive substances from the Urgot fungus despite these theories the true nature of the dancing plague remains elusive making it one of History’s enduring Mysteries number 10 Alexander the Great was accidentally buried alive Alexander the

Great renowned for establishing a vast ancient empire by the age of 25 left a lasting Legacy his military successes conquering Persian territories without defeat solidified his status as a military genius however historians have long pondered the sudden death of this formidable leader at 32 with various theories proposed Scholars have

Speculated on the cause of Alexander’s demise for decades including typhoid alcoholism and poisoning a recent Theory suggests he may have had Gan bar syndrome a rare neurological disorder that left him paralyzed for 6 days challenging traditional accounts of his death Dr Katherine Hall proposes that Alexander may have still been alive when

His soldiers prepared his body for burial in 323 BC suggesting a potential false diagnosis of death this theory of proven challenges the conventional understanding of Alexander’s death offering A New Perspective on the final days of this legendary conqueror number nine Russia ran out of vodka celebrating

The end of World War II on May 9th 1945 the news of Nazi Germany’s surrender sparked wild Jubilation among the citizens of the Soviet Union the act of surrender marked the end of the Great Patriotic War a conflict that exacted a staggering toll on the nation with a

Loss of more than 26 million Million Lives the celebration of Victory began in Earnest with even non-drinkers joining in the rry approximately 22 hours into the festivities Joseph Stalin addressed the nation however an unexpected consequence of the exuberant celebrations unfolded the entire population had consumed all the Vodka

Reserves in the country this unusual activity led the nation into a collective hangover A peculiar aftermath considered by many as a small price to pay for the liberation of Europe from the clutches of Nazi Germany it is crucial to understand the context of the Vodka shortage during wartime in the

Soviet Union starch and grain typically used in alcohol production were redirected towards food production and supplying the Army despite the challenging circumstances the production of vodka persisted even during the Famine of the early 1930s when resources were scarce the nation ensured that grain and potatoes were made available for vodka production this strategic

Decision reflected the significance of vodka revenues which contributed about 1 of the Russian government’s overall revenues the tale of the Vodka shortage during the celebration of Victory stands as a unique historical anecdote highlighting the resilience and adaptability of a Nation during challenging times number eight the first

Face on the dollar one bill was not George Washington when the name George Washington comes to mind the image of the first president gracing the one USD paper dollar likely follows however the Journey of George Washington’s likeness onto the currency has an interesting historical context during the Civil War

The US government faced the need to print new forms of currency as part of its efforts to fund the war in 1862 the government introduced the first official paper currency and among the bills created was the $1 bill the early version of this bill featured salmon chase the Secretary of the Treasury at

The time and the designer of the country’s initial Bank notes initially this money known as greenbacks was not backed by any tangible assets after the US Bureau of Engraving and printing took over the production of US currency the $1 bill underwent a transformation in 1869 George Washington’s image replaced

Salmon Chase on the $1 bill marking a significant shift in the design since its redesign in 1963 the $1 bill has not undergone further changes and there are currently no plans for redesign in the foreseeable future the iconic image of George Washington remains a constant on this widely circulated denomination

Symbolizing both the history and stability of the United States currency number seven Forks were considered a sacrilege the forks we use today at the dining table were once considered sacrilegious rooted in historical and cultural norms introduced in Italy during the 11th century Forks faced strong resistance in medieval Europe

Where they were seen as artificial hands contrary to the belief that fingers were the natural Forks provided by God the widespread adoption of forks as kitchen utensils occurred gradually in the Middle Ages in the 11th century a Byzantine princess caused a scandal by introducing for Forks to her Venetian

Household this act seen as a departure from tradition led to the labeling of fork usage as Blasphemous attracting disapproval from local clergy it wasn’t until the early 18th century that Forks gained Acceptance in England initially with two prongs eventually evolving into three and four-pronged Forks Over The

Next Century the Journey of the fork from sacrilegious to an integral part of table settings reflects evolving cultural attitudes toward dining practices over the centuries number six there were more than 600 plots to kill Fidel Castro Fidel Castro the former leader of Cuba earned a reputation as a

Legendary Survivor due to the numerous attempts on his life though the exact number of attempts often cited as over 600 is a matter of debate there are multiple documented reports of efforts to assassinate him in various creative and unconventional ways assassination plots against Castro included poisoning attempts dosing his dive suit with a

Fungus causing chronic skin disease and even attempting to blow up his Podium during a speech despite the variety and creativity of these attempts all proved unsuccessful in a 2006 British documentary titled 638 ways to kill Castro it is claimed that Castro survived more assassination attempts than any living socialist Fidel Castro

Himself addressed the multitude of attempts on his life with characteristic bravado he once remarked that if surviving assassination attempts were an Olympic event he would win the gold medal living much of his life in the spotlight Castro managed to evade numerous threats on his life and passed

Away at the age of 90 on November 25th 2016 the legacy of his survival against a multitude of assassination attempts adds a unique chapter to the Intriguing history of the Cuban leader before we move on here’s today’s subscribers pick take a look at this image on the left we

Witness a curious scene from a faceless beauty contest in cliftonville in 1936 the paradoxical nature of the event raises intriguing questions about the criteria for grading Beauty when the participants faces are entirely covered the contest challenges conventional Notions of beauty prompting viewers to ponder the unconventional standards

Employed during that time to the right we encounter The Peculiar device known as the French breast washer a product from the 1930s the device designed to stimulate blood circulation in women’s breasts through Jets of cold water under pressure reflects the beauty standards and health beliefs prevalent during that

Era the promise of miraculous results as touted in advertisements adds a touch of quirkiness to the historical context these images invite viewers to reflect on the evolving perceptions of Beauty and the unusual methods that were once deemed effective so viewers what are your thoughts on these historical practices share your insights in the

Comments below number five women were once banned from smoking in public the Sullivan ordinance enacted on January 21st 1908 in New York City reflects early 20th Century gender Norms prohibiting women from smoking in public it mirrored conservative attitudes towards women’s conduct unusually the ordinance targeted business owners rather than penalizing the women caught

Smoking placing legal responsibility on them mayor George mclen vetoed the ordinance after 2 weeks signaling hesitancy in enforcing such restrictions though short-lived the ordinance highlighted prevailing attitudes women smoking were morally judged seen as sexually and morally perilous contrasting sharply with men’s fre freedom to smoke the attempt to ban

Women from smoking symbolizes deeply ingrained gender biases and societal expectations of the era the Sullivan ordinance stands as a historical snapshot revealing how conservative Norms shaped perceptions of women in the early 20th century number four German toown nordlingen is situated in a 14 million-year-old meteor crater the town

Of nordlingen nestled in the donau Rus District of Bavaria Germany stands as a truly unique place on Earth with a population of around 20,00 000 this town is distinguished by its extraordinary location entirely within the massive nordlinger Reese meteorite crater the formation of the nordlinger Reese crater dates back approximately 14.5 million

Years a result of a colossal meteor impact that occurred when a one mile wide meteor collided with the Earth interestingly for many years the shallow depression in the center of which the town resides was initially thought to be a volcanic crater however in 1960 two American scientists Eugene Shoemaker and

Edward provided evidence that unveiled the true origin of this exceptional Town shoemaker’s investigation involved scratching the walls of a church to examine its composition revealing shocked quartz a type of rock formed only under the extreme shock pressures associated with meteorite impacts this discovery marked a pivotal moment confirming that the Depression was

Indeed the outcome of a meteorite impact rather than volcanic activity as further exploration of the rock formations took place the town of Nord lingan gained recognition for being being situated within the confines of a meteorite crater adding a captivating layer to its historical and geological identity the

Unique nature of Nord lingan serves as a reminder of the profound impact that celestial events can have on shaping the Landscapes and histories of our planet number three India has not invaded any country in the last 10,000 years India’s defense minister rajnath Singh asserted in early 2022 that India throughout its

10,000 year history had never invaded or attempted Ed to conquer another country this claim raises curiosity given India’s historical vulnerability to invasions to understand this perspective let’s explore the historical context India as a unified Nation emerged in 1947 before that the subcontinent comprised autonomous factions frequently at War unified governance occurred

During the Reigns of entities like the marathas rajputs Muggles and Maas attempts by Empires like the Greeks Mongols and Persians to conquer ancient India were largely unsuccessful uccessful India’s historical abundance of resources and its role as a major trade Hub made territorial Conquest less appealing Indian rulers while spreading

Buddhism and Hinduism favored peaceful means over military campaigns emissaries were dispatched to propagate religious and cultural influences India’s historical aversion to invading other nations stems from its resource wealth trade importance and a cultural inclination towards peaceful propagation of ideas this unique perspective sheds light on India’s millennial long Approach to Global interactions number

Two the world’s oldest Parliament was built in 930 the all thing Iceland’s National Parliament holds the prestigious title of the world’s oldest existing legislature dating back to 930 initially it served as a gathering of influential leaders to legislate Justice albeit with societal discrimination against slaves and women the assemblies

Open to free men became the primary annual social event at the center of the assembly sat the speaker on the log BG or law rock with with the Letta being a crucial faction comprising 36 District leaders nine additional members and the speaker they played a pivotal role in

The legislative process in a historic session at thing velier on June 7th 1944 the modern Republic of Iceland was officially established marking a crucial juncture in its journey toward nationhood notably Iceland holds the distinction of being the first nation to democratically elect a female head of state vigdis Finn bogad in 1980 breaking

New ground for women in Le ership roles the all things enduring Legacy showcases its significance as a symbol of democratic governance and the rich cultural heritage of Iceland the world’s oldest parliamentary Nation number one there were female Gladiators in ancient Rome women Gladiators referred to as gladiatores or gladiatrix participated

In the brutal sport of gladiatorial combat during the Roman Empire as indicated by sparse historical evidence found in art laws and written accounts while their involvement was not as widespread or intense as that of men depictions suggest that women from various social classes including the elite engaged in Fierce battles with

Weapons for entertainment affluent women especially those of means were more likely to take part in gladiatorial contests due to their ability to afford the necessary training and dedicate time to rigorous workouts in the first century BC women particularly from the Elite Class were observed participating in battles after dinner facing off

Against various opponents in including beasts dwarfs and other women Pompei during the Reigns of Emperors Nero Titus and demission notably hosted gladiatorial events featuring female Gladiators as a novelty attraction however in 11 and 19 ad the Roman senate implemented laws prohibiting middle and upper class women from fighting as Gladiators despite these legal

Restrictions the existence of female Gladiators in Roman society reflects the complex and varied roles women played in different facets of life during that era providing intriguing insights into the diversity of Roman entertainment and societal Norms thanks for watching and we’ll see you in the next one

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Video “20 Historical Facts You Didn't Know, Until Now” was uploaded on 01/15/2024 to Youtube Channel The Ultimate Discovery