Discovering the Stunning Beaches of St. Thomas: A Local’s Guide to the Best Beaches in the World – Video

Discovering the Stunning Beaches of St. Thomas: A Local’s Guide to the Best Beaches in the World – Video

snorkeling and for spotting sea turtles, which is pretty cool. However, the downside to Coki Beach is that it can get quite crowded, especially with cruise ship passengers, so it’s not always the peaceful, secluded beach experience you might be looking for.

And lastly, if you have the time and opportunity, definitely consider a visit to Water Island. This small, quaint island is just a short ferry ride away from St. Thomas, and it offers a more relaxed and local beach experience.

Overall, St. Thomas is a beach lover’s paradise, with no shortage of stunning and picturesque beaches to explore. So whether you’re planning a trip to St. Thomas or just want to indulge in some wanderlust, this video is a great resource for discovering the best beaches of the island and getting insider tips. And if you want to support the creator and get access to exclusive content and rewards, don’t forget to check out their Patreon and PayPal links. Happy beach hopping!

Watch the video by More Travel Please

Welcome to the us virgin islands today i’m going to show you a tour of the best species of st thomas Hey i’m morgan this is more travel please you should subscribe because here i show you how to travel the world on as little money as possible usually although this trip is kind of an exception because i’m in the caribbean st thomas which is very expensive i’m learning but

Something that is free somewhat to do is to go to the beaches coming from snowy new england and arriving here to beach heaven i am so excited to take you along with me and let’s experience together the best beaches life right now is a movie I wish the soundtrack was growing good morning from st thomas today we’re going to megan’s bay which is supposed to be one of the most beautiful beaches in the caribbean and definitely one of the most popular the most popular in st thomas i’ve been hearing so much stuff

About this beach i’ve been looking at images on instagram and everywhere and i’m so excited to finally go there so let’s head out i just hit my camera let’s head out and see what it’s like so let me tell you how you get to megan’s

Bay so most people are going to take a taxi here because there’s no uber or lyft on the island so i took the taxi here from charlotte omelee cost me 12 and when i was planning my trip when i was looking at google maps i thought that i could maybe walk from charlotte

Amelie here to megan’s bay because it’s only one or two hour walk or something like that but the thing is there’s no place to walk so on the roads here there’s no shoulder for foot traffic so you have to take some type of transportation it costs five dollars to

Get into megan’s bay and then you have a beautiful stretch of beach to enjoy and i’m here on a sunday it’s actually valentine’s day and it’s february so it’s still pandemic conditions there’s no cruises and i’m just still stunned at how little people there are here so

Right now i’m very happy but i don’t know if it’ll be that way when you come in my little black dress been a long day and i need to de-stress I am so hungry i know there’s a little place to eat here so let’s go see what kind of drinks and food they have so i guess i didn’t get any footage of the actual concessions but they do have a bar and like sort of a cafe takeaway

Area i got a strawberry daiquiri and a veggie burger and fries and this meal costs just about under 25 so overall the hype for megan’s bae is definitely deserved so glad i went there as my first official beach day of st thomas people are not just talking out their

Ass they should go visit megan’s bay but we’re gonna go after megan so let’s move on to the next beach hi from st thomas i’m trying to head to lindquist beach today one of the most beautiful ones on the island i’m trying to catch a safari

Bus so the safari buses and st thomas are these dollar taxis there’s a whole bunch of people on a truck bed and they go and loop around the island and i think they might bring me to linquist bay but i’m not sure i’m gonna go get

Some change and uh we’ll see how it goes so i didn’t get to take this safari but the guy at the restaurant told me that if i took this safari here i’d probably get here about an hour before the beach closes so i went and opted for a a cab

Attack i wouldn’t just say cabin taxi at the same time a tab it cost twenty dollars to get here from charlotte amelie i’m sure it’ll cost the same to get back this is not a cheap island to play around on the virgin islands are expensive especially for me

We’re usually doing a ton of budget travel i’m usually house sitting and saving money where i can and this is the opposite of my mo really but yeah anyway besides the point i made it here to linguist beach and let’s explore a bit crazy Okay could we just talk about the fact that young girl just drowned oh i’m so scared but i didn’t oh that’s my third time droning my second time ever droning alone and the last time i tried i was at a different beach and there were pterodactyl birds

Dive bombing so i couldn’t drone because it’s too dangerous but i did it here and i think i did a good job i went far away like further than i’ve ever gone because i did it let me know how the shots are okay so linguist beach is really popular for a

Reason it’s super beautiful here when you first arrive you’re going to notice the main sort of stretch of beach which is full of blue ass water blue ass water keep in mind though that there is no concessions at this beach so bring your own food if you want to eat something

I’m here at brewers bay beach this was a recommendation from my friend who lives here thank you mariah it’s right next to the airport it’s supposed to be great for snorkeling and has insane sunsets This is the beach where i got probably the best sunset that i’d seen my whole entire month in saint thomas quick tea warning story time by the way so i took a dollar taxi to actually get here but when it was time to leave it was after

Dark and the safaris had stopped running so that means i had to catch a taxi however there were no taxis around to be caught so me and this other random couple that i think they were from georgia we uh teamed up we called all the different services and they refused

To come to brewers bay because they were downtown or charlotte molly or or red hook and they like would not come so we had to walk almost all the way downtown being all sandy and wet and gross in the dark so um word of warning if you do

Take the dollar taxis to come into brewers bay make sure you have a plan b and how you’re going to get back okay next up is cokey beach so let’s get into it i’ve got mixed feelings about this one let’s start with the good though obviously look at that water oh

My god it is so turquoise it’s so blue it’s so clear it’s so beautiful it’s a white sand beach look at this blue ass water check out this white ass beach and this is actually known to be one of the best beaches on the island for

Snorkeling and it was so fun the snorkel saw so many fish just wanted to live my mermaid dreams and there were people doing like jet skiing and fun other stuff on the water as well this is really like a postcard perfect caribbean beach that you would see all over the

Internet some blue ass water if i’ve ever seen it and it was pretty easy to get to from downtown i just hopped on the safari bus and i was there in no time but there is one huge major downside to going to this beach and that is that it is crazy

Crowded it’s really not a pleasant experience because it’s just too packed although i guess it depends what you’re going for because it was very interesting to people watch there were super super drunk people the bachelorette parties they were the influencers there was a huge mix of locals and travelers and just

Interesting people watching subi had but if you want to come and drink and party and meet people and you don’t care about being peaceful at all then maybe this is a great place for you if you don’t mind crowds if you are someone who crowds get under your skin it’s hot you’re waiting

In line there’s no parking it’s loud people are obnoxious they kick and stand at you if that all sounds like a nightmare then just don’t go here save yourself the trouble doesn’t matter how beautiful the future is how good the snorkeling is if that stuff annoys you

You’re gonna have a bad time so don’t go or alternatively go very early in the morning or maybe later on at night i was there probably at the peak busiest time so what do i know Welcome to water island so i came here from st thomas i took the ferry was only about 10 minutes had to get a safari ride to crown bay and yeah i came here it’s 15 round trip so i’m here at limestone beach so when you get off the

Water taxi here to water island then you are taken right to this main beach that pretty much all tourists go to there’s like a cocktail bar and everyone’s just hanging out there playing volleyball et cetera but i wanted to drone so i was like where’s another beach that doesn’t

Have as many people and i was recommended to come to this one so i hitched a ride on a golf cart and i ended up a few minutes later at limestone beach here it was secluded but now people are finding it so it’s less so i really wanted to come here to drone

I logged my drone over here and i was so excited i had shots in mind but as soon as i went to take it off it said can’t fly this is a no-fly zone so very upset about that but you can just imagine what the drone would look like

I could take plenty of other shots though so right now i am ecstatic with life today is a great day i’m happy to be alive to be here in the caribbean and to take you along with me so let’s check out beautiful water island limestone beach and the other beach and let’s get

Some gushers good shots have some fun snorkel let’s go Water island is super tiny it’s not even 500 acres but there are some inhabitants who live there and i actually stumbled upon this super cute art gallery full of local crafts and art and the owner of the store is super nice and i did pick

Up some stuff while i was there and by the way i happened to meet some rhode islanders while i was in there which is very unusual round is the smallest site in the us if you don’t know and it’s where i am from not too many of us

Roadies around the world so it was kind of cool to just happen to meet some people from my home state in this super tiny obscure little store on the subaru tiny obscure little island in the middle of the caribbean so i did spend some time on the main beach of the island

Which is actually called honeymoon beach and it’s crowded and busy for a reason the water is still it’s super safe it’s clear beautiful don’t make me say do you see that water the sand is soft there are umbrellas everywhere in the hammocks this is where the beach bar is

It’s all really set up for taurus and not gonna lie it’s awesome but you are sharing it with lots of people so that is the compromise keep in mind if you do come here that these aren’t the only beaches to check out by the way i didn’t

Have too much time to check out the rest of the island but there was plantation ruins and other beaches and hikes you can really do a lot more than i did so that just about wraps up this video i hope you enjoyed the best beaches which

One is your favorite thank you so much for watching this video if you want to support this small channel you can become a patron you get postcards from the beautiful caribbean or wherever we are during that month and special secret vlogs and everything like that and you get to support this growing small

Channel you can also share this video that’s so important to us it really helps us out when you share this video to like reddit to facebook to your friends to your mom please share the video please like and subscribe and see you in our next travel video bye

Video “BEST Beaches in the World?? Exploring Beautiful St Thomas [Like a Local!]” was uploaded on 01/19/2024. Watch all the latest Videos by More Travel Please on Gretopia