Hollywood Commission Shares Workplace Harassment Report

Hollywood Commission Shares Workplace Harassment Report

The 2023 Hollywood Commission, founded by Lucasfilm president Kathleen Kennedy and Nina Shaw, has found that fewer people are reporting workplace harassment, not because fewer incidents have occurred, but because of a shared knowledge that studios won’t respond appropriately.

The lack of studio repercussions for offenders reflects a slew of entertainment industry careers, with the survey finding that 31 percent of entertainment workers out of 5,259 people surveyed did not bother to report workplace misconduct because they “did not believe anything would be done” by respective human resources departments.

Compared to 2020, that’s 24 percent less confidence in studios to take action against harassers.

“The problem is acute across the entire industry — on independent productions, many of which lack the structures and systems of the large studios, and at the large studios themselves, where 71 percent of workers believe it is unlikely that a powerful person will be held accountable,” the study reads.

The Hollywood Commission was created in 2017. For the 2023 survey, 53.6 percent of those asked identify as women. The survey includes discussions around sexual harassment, bullying, and overall bias and discrimination in the workplace.

“Perceptions of accountability have worsened in the last three years — and without accountability, there will be a permissive culture and climate for harassment,” the report reads. “For systems to…

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The post “Hollywood Commission Shares Workplace Harassment Report – IndieWire” by Samantha Bergeson was published on 01/11/2024 by www.indiewire.com