Kleber Mendonça Filho Tributes Theaters

Kleber Mendonça Filho Tributes Theaters

Brazilian filmmaker Kleber Mendonça Filho is best known for ambitious narrative swings like Palme d’Or contenders “Bacurau” and “Aquarius.” But with his latest film, which exuberantly melds documentary and narrative filmmaking techniques, Mendonça Filho turns the camera back on his native country and toward his medium. “Pictures of Ghosts,” which represented Brazil in the race for the 2024 Best International Feature Film Academy Award, immortalizes the lost movie houses of Brazil, specifically in Recife (the capital of Brazil’s state of Pernambuco). Watch the trailer, an IndieWire exclusive, below.

Here’s the official synopsis: “Pictures of Ghosts” “is a multidimensional journey through time, sound, architecture and filmmaking, set in the urban landscape of Recife, Brazilian coastal capital of Pernambuco: a historical and human territory, examined through the great movie theatres that served as spaces of conviviality during the 20th century. Having hosted dreams and progress, these places have also embodied a major transformation on social practices. Combining archive documentary, mystery, film clips and personal memories, ‘Pictures of Ghosts’ is a map of a city through the lens of cinema.”

From IndieWire’s review out of the 2023 Toronto International Film Festival: “Once surrounded by screens of all sizes, the city’s cinephiles can no longer depend on multiplexes for getting their fix. By attempting to revive dead cinemas…

Read full article: Kleber Mendonça Filho Tributes Theaters – IndieWire

The post “Kleber Mendonça Filho Tributes Theaters – IndieWire” by Ryan Lattanzio was published on 01/16/2024 by www.indiewire.com