Lonnie, MobilityDog’s Puppy Raiser, Teams Up with SD Jake & Joel – Video

Lonnie, MobilityDog’s Puppy Raiser, Teams Up with SD Jake & Joel – Video

MobilityDog’s Puppy Raiser Lonnie shares her experience of raising Jake, a service dog in training, until he was about 16 months old. She discusses the importance of socialization and exposure to different environments, such as boat rides, airplane trips, and bus rides, in preparing Jake for his future role as a service dog. Despite the emotional challenge of giving Jake up, Lonnie expresses gratitude for the opportunity to be involved with Mobility service dogs and witnessing the impact of Jake’s work with his new handler, Joel.

The video highlights the dedication and emotional investment of puppy raisers like Lonnie, who play a crucial role in the training and preparation of service dogs. It also showcases the meaningful impact of service dogs like Jake, as he begins his work with his new handler, Joel, and the positive impact they have on individuals in need of their assistance. The video promotes awareness and appreciation for the vital role of puppy raisers and the significant contribution of service dogs in improving the quality of life for individuals with disabilities.

Video “MobilityDog's Puppy Raiser Lonnie with SD Team Jake & Joel” was uploaded on 09/19/2023 by Mobility Service Dogs- West Coast Project Youtube channel.