The 20 Strangest Facts About US Presidential Elections – Video

The 20 Strangest Facts About US Presidential Elections – Video

The United States presidential elections are a complex and unique process, full of strange and fascinating facts. From the difficulty of third-party candidates to swing states and the influence of lobby groups, there are many aspects of American elections that may surprise you.

One particularly interesting fact is the role of the Electoral College, a system that often leaves voters scratching their heads. The Electoral College was established as a compromise between larger and smaller states, but it has faced criticism for potentially undermining the popular vote.

Furthermore, the financial demands of campaigning in the United States are unparalleled, with candidates spending significant amounts of time courting donors rather than engaging directly with voters. The influence of lobby groups and political action committees also raises concerns about the potential for corruption and undue influence over elected officials.

With a lengthy campaign period, varying voting systems, and potential impediments to voting, the US presidential elections are a complex and sometimes confusing process. It’s important for voters to understand these quirks and challenges in order to ensure a fair and representative democratic process.

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No one I’m here to talk tonight about political commercials that’s where most of the money goes in any political campaign welcome to watch Mojo and today we’re counting down the most aspirational important archaic less than optimal or just plain odd aspects of electing an American president but when

Election day came there were unexpected obstacles number 20 ballot access laws there are significant hurdles for thirdparty and independent candidates aiming to appear on Election ballots these regulations which vary by state often require candidates to gather a substantial number of signatures from registered voters within a specific time

Frame well how are you going to get on the ballot that’s where y’all come into play my friends I need uh I need uh 5,625 signatures this process demands considerable resources organization and time making it a daunting task for those without without the backing of major political parties the complexity and

Variability of these laws across states can also lead to confusion and inconsistency in their application while intended to ensure that only serious candidates reach the ballot critics argue that these laws disproportionately disadvantage smaller political parties in Independence limiting the diversity of choices available to voters so I hear

You but these elections often do come down to a binary choice between the Democrat and the Republican number 19 viability of third-party candidates laws aren’t the only steep obstacles for candidates outside the entrenched two party system will you be on the ballot in Michigan will you be on the ballot in

Wisconsin uh I don’t think the people’s party was on the ballot in all 50 states last time are you are you hoping to get on the ballot in every state or or even just the Battleground States these candidates if they actually make it on the ballot are in a constant struggle

For visibility funding and access to debates it’s also important important to note that the influence of these candidates while highlighting the plurality of political opinions can also lead to unintended consequences in closely contested elections by drawing votes that might otherwise go to major parties they can inadvertently affect

The outcome and are sometimes accused of acting as spoilers to be fair Johnson’s anger is understandable just dismissing third party candidates as spoilers shuts down deite this can foster voter frustration particularly among those who feel votes for a third party candidate inadvertently benefit their least preferred major party option number 18

Participation for decades America’s youngest voters those under the age of 30 were the least likely to show up at the polls voter turnout in elections often Falls below levels seen in other Democratic countries a phenomenon that raises concerns about Civic engagement and representativeness several factors contribute to this low participation including voter apathy

Disenfranchisement and obstacles such as registration requirements and week-day voting this lack of turnout can skew election results towards the preferences of more active demographic groups potentially leaving significant portions of the population underrepresented efforts to increase turnout focus on making voting more accessible through early voting mail-in ballots and voter education campaigns addressing these

Challenges is crucial for ensuring that election outcomes accurately reflect the will of the entire electorate enhancing the legitimacy of the democratic process that level of Youth turnout had a major effect resulting in one of the highest levels of voter turnout for a midterm over the last five decades number 17

22nd Amendment ratified on February 27th 1951 the 22nd Amendment sets terms limits for the US Presidency stating that an individual may only be elected to the nation’s highest office twice it must kind of stink though that you can’t run you know three times you know no

Actually I think it’s a good idea uh you know if I ran a third time it’d be sort of like doing a third Hangover movie additionally anyone who has occupied or acted in this role for more than two years of another’s term can seek election only once more this measure was

A direct response to Franklin D Roosevelt’s four terms aiming to institutionalize the two-term tradition initiated by George Washington by doing so it seeks to prevent power consolidation promoting a dynamic leadership cycle and supporting the ethos of regular peaceful trans transitions regardless of whether you think they prevent tyranny or limit

Democracy presidential term limits are here and are unlikely to change anytime soon number 16 faithless electors the possibility of faithless electors presents an intriguing anomaly within the American system these electors diverge from their pledged commitment choosing to vote for a different candidate than the one that they were

Elected to support although rare their actions underscore potential vulnerabilities in the electoral process raising questions about the balance between elector discretion and voter intent in 2016 10 members of The Electoral College voted or tried to vote for a different candidate than they were pledged to Most states have enacted laws

To penalize or prevent faithless voting emphasizing the importance of adhering to the electorate’s choice despite legal safeguards the phenomenon persists highlighting ongoing debates over the Electoral colleges role and the extent to which electors should exercise independent judgment versus reflecting the popular vote within their states if

We had numbers like that this year when it looks like this could come down to less than 10 electoral votes it could up end the entire election number 15 swing States what’s a swing state and why do they matter they got the name because it’s hard to predict how they’ll vote

Battleground States hold a pivotal role in elections due to their unpredictable voting patterns unlike states with strong partisan leanings swing states are up for grabs and this makes them fiercely contested territory where elections are often won or lost campaigns invest heavily in these areas tailoring messages to sway undecided

Voters and maximize turnout the demographic economic and political diversity within swing states can make them microcosms of the broader National electorate giving them disproportionate influence over the election’s outcome pretty sweet huh what the hell is this what’s it look like hundreds of thousands of votes from all the swing

States number 14 age citizenship and residenc requirements you might think that being elected to the highest office in the land comes with a lengthy list of requirements you’d be wrong officially there are only three the Constitution sets specific eligibility criteria for candidates to ensure they have a substantial connection to the country

And its people candidates must be at least 35 years old demonstrating maturity and likely experience in governance or public service they must be natural born citizens a requirement aimed at safeguarding National loyalty and security interest additionally candidates are required to have resided in the United States for at

Least 14 years ensuring they are familiar with and invested in the nation’s Affairs these criteria reflect the framer’s intention to balance inclusivity with the need for a president deeply rooted in and committed to the United States and its principles do you meet the job description if so

Take a shot seems like everybody else is what you got to lose number 13 the house decides in a tie it’s a tie it’s up to the delegates in the rare event of an electoral college tie or no candidate achieving the necessary majority of electoral votes the Constitution delegates the

Responsibility to the House of Representatives this contingency process outlined in the 12th Amendment grants each state delegation in the house one vote requiring a majority of states to elect a president representatives from each state must come to a consensus on their vote highlighting the importance of State unity in this unique situation

The Senate meanwhile chooses the vice president under similar rules if you become president would Claire Underwood remain as vice president not if she wants what’s best for the country but given the 12th Amendment would you have a choice this procedure underscores the balance of power between the states and

The federal government ensuring a democratic resolution to electoral Deadlocks number 12 inauguration Gap the lengthy weight between early November’s election day and the inauguration on January 20th serves several vital functions in the US electoral process though the do Administration doesn’t officially take power for a few months I

Wanted to let the people know that we’re going to make the transition as painless as possible this period allows for the resolution of any disputes over election results ensuring a clear and uncontested transition of power additionally it provides time for the formal counting and certification of electoral votes by

Congress a critical step in the Democratic process this interval also facilitates the outgoing administration’s orderly transfer of responsibilities to the incoming president ensuring continuity in governance instituted to address practical and procedural Necessities this delay is a built-in feature of the American political system reflecting its emphasis on stability and rule of law

You’re going to try to get the amendment passed in the House of Representatives before the term ends before the inauguration number 11 Winner Takes all Texas and South Carolina and two Democratic states California and Massachusetts are being sued over their systems of winner take all utilized in

All but two states Maine and Nebraska The Winner Takes all system fundamentally shapes American elections under this system the presidential candidate receiving the majority of votes in a state secures all of that State’s electoral votes this method can lead to scenarios where a candidate wins the presidency without securing the a

Nationwide popular vote emphasizing strategic focus on key Battleground States critics argue it skewes representation and dampens voter enthusiasm in states with a strong majority for one party proponents however claim it simplifies the election process and promotes a two- party systs we came to the Department of political science here at Trinity University to

Ask would each and every vote actually count if the legal challenge is successful number 10 Tuesday voting most people are busy and at work so how did this happen why do we vote on Tuesdays in November the tradition of casting ballots on a Tuesday is deeply embedded in America’s Traditions originating from

An era when voters traveled by horse and buggy established by Congress in 1845 this decision was based on the agricultural calendar allowing Farmers to avoid interfering with the Sabbath and Market day which was typically on Wednesday despite its seemingly archaic context in Modern Life this practice persists despite proposals for change

Moving the voting day to the weekend or declaring it a national holiday has been suggested to increase turnout by making it easier for working Americans to participate the resistance to changing this tradition highlights the challenges of modifying long-standing practices in the face of evolving societal needs and

Some want to change when we vote to a more convenient day to fit modern society number nine disenfranchisement laws the issue of disenfranchisement particular regarding felons highlights a significant and contentious aspect of the nation’s elections the variation in laws across States regarding the restoration of voting rights reflects broader debates about Justice

Rehabilitation and citizenship disenfranchisement not only affects individual’s ability to participate in democracy but also has broader societal implications impacting Community representation and contributing to systemic inequalities and very few of those people realized that nearly 30% of the black male population of Alabama today has permanently lost the right to

Vote as a result of a criminal conviction efforts to reform these laws such as through ballot initiatives and legislative changes underscore the evolving conversation about the role of voting rights and the importance of ensuring that all citizens regardless of their past mistakes have the opportunity to have their voices heard there are

More individuals that have come home and has turned their life completely around or have discovered their life and is living a life look at them give them an opportunity number eight primaries and caucuses every four years American states hold either a primary election or caucuses part of which is to choose that

State’s top Republican and Democratic presidential candidates the use of primaries and caucuses in the United States is a unique aspect of its democracy allowing members of political parties to have a direct say in choosing their candidates this system however is marked by significant variability and complexity with rules differing from

State to state and between parties if after the first round of grouping a candidate doesn’t have 15% support they are deemed non-viable and supporters in their group must either join another candidate’s group or convince caucus scorers in other groups to join theirs caucuses in particular are criticized for their lack of transparency and

Accessibility often requiring participants to engage in lengthy discussions and negotiations the diversity of primaries and caucuses reflect s the decentralized nature of the country but also poses challenges for voter participation and understanding leading to calls for reform and simplification number seven complex voting systems the diversity of ballot designs and voting systems

Contributes to the unique landscape of the country’s elections but also introduces challenges for voters and administrators this complexity can lead to confusion errors in design and disputes over counting as seen in notable cases such as the 000 presidential contest it was mass confusion at 7:00 when the polls opened

We knew that there was a problem because people were walking out of the polls distraught calling their husbands calling their wives telling them to be careful the use of different Technologies from paper ballots to electronic machines further complicates the process raising concerns about security reliability and voter confidence efforts to standardize and

Simplify procedures enhance security measures and improve voter education are crucial to ensuring the Integrity of the process and maintaining public trust in the outcomes it has to be a Grassroots effort to persuade the people that represent us that this is not what we want we want a system we can trust

Number six no automatic registration I showed the pole worker my identification and he looked at the role and he looked at me and he said we have a problem you’re not on the role contrary to many democracies that automatically enroll citizens the United States places the responsibility on individuals themselves this procedure

Varies significantly across states with some offering online enrollment and others requiring in-person visits to government offices creating a patchwork of regulations that can confuse and disenfranchise potential voters either not having their voter registration card going to uh their Precinct that they had voted at before and now being told that

They weren’t on the roster that their names have been purged the absence of unified automatic enrollment is seen by many as a barrier to full participation contributing to disparities and turnout among different demographic groups advocates for reform argue that automatic enrollment could streamline the process increase participation rates

And strengthen the process by making it more inclusive and accessible number five campaign spending the financial demands of competing for the nation’s highest office are unparalleled this requirement for substantial fundraising has profound implications raising concerns about the influence of wealthy donors and the potential for corruption you were spending millions of dollars

Buying politicians spreading misinformation and influencing legislation for your personal gain the Reliance on extensive advertising paid staff and Nationwide travel means that contenders often spend a significant portion of their campaign courting donors rather than engaging with voters directly this Dynamic has prompted discussions about reform including the implementation of public financing

Options and limits on spending to reduce the outsized impact of money on outcomes and ensure a more Equitable and representative process when you have a political campaign that costs $200 million you owe someone something somewhere down the line that’s why I refuse to run television commercials number four influence of Lobby groups

Lobby groups and political action committees or packs play a significant role in elections leveraging resources to influence policy and public opinion the head of PR told me that our company funded super Pacs on both sides during the last election just so it’s fluffed their involvement in the process is a

Double-edged sword providing a means for interest groups to participate in democracy while also raising concerns about the potential for undue influence over elected officials the citizens united ruling by the Supreme Court Amplified these concerns by allowing unlimited spending on advocacy further entrenching the role of money in politics critics argue that this

Environment undermines the principle of one person one vote as the voice of ordinary citizens is drowned out by the financial power of a few gentlemen we’re really counting on your support guys of Goldman Sachs are prepared to donate $500,000 to your super pack provided of course you pick

Up the phone anytime we call number three impediments to voting for ease of voting speed and accuracy of vote it eliminates long lines and confusion at the polls lengthy weights at polling places have become a symbol of the challenges facing the nation’s voting system reflecting issues with the infrastructure resource allocation and

Administration these delays are not only inconveniences but also potential barriers to participation disproportion Ely affecting lowincome and minority communities this man had never been arrested the minister in the community but yet they had identified him as a felon the causes of lengthy weights are multifaceted including outdated machines a shortage of

Locations and inadequate Staffing which can be exacerbated by high turnout addressing these issues requires investment in infrastructure better planning and management of locations and policies to expand early and mail-in ballots ensuring that all citizens can exercise their rights efficiently number two long campaign periods guys if this

Thing is going to work then it’s got to fit me it’s got to be my campaign okay this is not your campaign the United States is notable for its exceptionally lengthy presidential campaign periods a phenomenon that has no parallel in other major democracies this extended timeline allows candidates to Traverse the nation

Engaging with a diverse electorate across a range of issues however it also demands significant financial resources and personal endurance potentially disadvantaging otherwise qualified contenders who lack the means or desire to sustain such prolonged efforts these Marathon periods are often criticized for contributing to polarization and voter apathy as the

Constant barrage of messaging can desensitize or overwhelm voters raising questions about the optimal balance between thorough vetting of candidates and maintaining engagement ladies and gentlemen it’s now time for the campaign going to be a whole new ball game so brace yourself people before we continue be sure to subscribe to our Channel and

Ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos you have the option to be notified for occasional videos or all of them if you’re on your phone make sure you go into settings and switch on your notifications number one Electoral College your vote gets counted with the

Rest of the votes in the country and they get sent off to the Electoral College what’s that the Electoral College are a bunch of officials who do the voting for us there’s no doubt that the Electoral College stands as one of the most distinctive and controversial features of the American process often

Baffling observers both domestically and abroad established by the Constitution as a compromise it was intended to Balance power between larger and smaller States however its relevance and Effectiveness has been called into question especially when the winner of the popular vote did not secure the presidency efforts to reform or abolish

The college have gained momentum advocating for a more direct representation of the popular will yet the complexity of amending the Constitution makes it incredibly difficult to change as it turned out there’s a virtually unprecedented tie in the Electoral College a somewhat Arcane institution that many scholars believe

We should do away with what do you think is the strangest aspect of American presidential elections let us know in the comments funny how voting Works in this country isn’t it Cal each one of these a person did you enjoy this video check out these other clips from watch

Mojo and be sure to subscribe and ring the bell to be notified about our latest Videos

Video “Top 20 Weirdest Facts About US Presidential Elections” was uploaded on 03/05/2024 to Youtube Channel