142 Days in Gaza: An American’s Experience in China on  – Video

142 Days in Gaza: An American’s Experience in China on – Video

The 60 Minutes episode titled “142 Days in Gaza; An American in China” provides a deep dive into two major global issues – the catastrophic humanitarian crisis unfolding in Gaza and the complex U.S.-China relationship. In Gaza, the episode sheds light on the dire situation in Naser Hospital, where mass casualties are overwhelming the healthcare system and supplies are scarce. American doctor Dr. Amed shares her firsthand experience treating children with shrapnel injuries and the lack of basic supplies, highlighting the urgent need for aid in Gaza.

On the other side, the episode explores the challenges faced by western journalists in accessing China and the deteriorating business climate for American companies in the country. Ambassador Nicholas Burns discusses the competitive and dangerous relationship between the U.S. and China, emphasizing the importance of balancing economic interests with national security concerns.

The episode underscores the complex dynamics at play in both regions and the need for international cooperation to address humanitarian crises and navigate geopolitical tensions. Through in-depth interviews and on-the-ground reporting, 60 Minutes provides a comprehensive overview of these critical global issues.

Watch the video by 60 Minutes

The United Nations says a catastrophic humanitarian crisis is unfolding in Gaza but Israel has barred journalists from independently accessing the Gaza Strip we have mass casualties coming in in waves in a hospital that’s happening at least three or four times a night in one night mhm so you know regular day for me

Was seeing children with shrapnel injuries I have never in my life seen before death happening in a fully treatable situation because the supplies are not available getting into China is all but impossible for most western journalists this is the financial and economic capital of China but when the US

Ambassador Nicholas Burns invited us to come for a visit and an interview we were granted visas is it our most competitive relationship in the world world right now this is the most important most competitive and most dangerous relationship that the United States has in the world right now and

Will I think for the next decade or so I’m Leslie stall I’m Bill Whitaker I’m Anderson Cooper I’m Sharon alony I’m John wortheim I’m Cecilia Vega I’m Scott Pell those stories and more tonight on 60 Minutes when the terrorist group Hamas Unleashed its barbaric attack inside Israel last

October the response by the Israeli government was Swift Israel launched thousands of troops tanks and more than 45,000 bombs into Gaza decimating entire cities the Hamas run Gaza Ministry of Health says more than 29,000 people have been killed and nearly 2 million displaced numbers many in the Israeli

Press and the United Nations are reporting Israel has barred journalists from independently accessing the Gaza Strip defying the long-standing precedent of allowing reporters into war zones Aid workers say a catastrophic humanitarian crisis is unfolding in Gaza but reporting on it has been challenging so we asked Aid workers including two

Americans to share their view from inside Gaza over the last 14 two days a warning it is difficult to watch this was the scene at Naser Hospital in southern Gaza in late January for weeks the hospital had been surrounded by fighting but another battle played out inside its crowded

Corridors doctors and nurses short on supplies and beds knelt on the floor L as they tried to save bombing victims deeper in the hospital we saw Dr narina Med a critical care specialist from Pennsylvania our CBS producer based in Gaza shot this video he has a small

Amount of free fluid as Dr Amed checked on the young victims of an air strike she treated the night before this 13-year-old boy did not survive the nurses notice his eyes pupils are fixed and dilated which is a sign of brain death the Gaza Ministry of Health estimates

12,000 children have died here since the War Began there’s no room for that we met Dr Amed days after she left Gaza exhausted after working a two we stretch at Nasser we have mass casualties coming in in waves in a hospital that’s happening at least three or four times a

Night in one night mhm so you know regular day for me was seeing children with shrapnel injuries I have never in my my life seen before with traumatic brain injury death happening in a fully treatable situation because the supplies are not available Dr ammed is the daughter of Bangladeshi immigrants she

Grew up in Philadelphia and works at a hospital there she’s also the medical director of Med Global a us-based NGO that trains local healthc care workers in disaster and conflict zones 39 years old she’s worked in a half dozen War zones including six trips to Ukraine in

The last 2 years yeah he does she told us Supply medicine shortages have deepened the sufferings in Gaza it’s basic medications it’s pain medication there are people getting limbs amputated without any anesthesia that’s that’s what’s that’s what we’re seeing on a day-to-day basis and I can tell you that things that we

Have put into the pipeline to get to Gaza can often take weeks to months weeks to months and you need them yesterday yeah how does what you’re seeing in Gaza compare to what you’ve seen in these other War zones and conflicts it is uh incomparable I would say

Um I don’t think I’ve seen this many uh children affected in any of the other War zones I’ve ever been to I don’t think I’ve seen this many people squeezed in a small area with without any ability to leave um I don’t think I’ve been this close to the sound of

Missile strikes um with the house shaking or the hospital shaking while I’m trying to operate in the ICU so how do you function and operate when you can hear gunfire and explosions at your doorstep we go into like medical mission mode so bombs going off or not we are absolutely focused on

What’s in front of us is it terrifying yes of course um do we think about it after the fact absolutely you know there are hospitals that are under siege this happened with shifa Hospital uh it happened with Naser hospital alal hospital just to name a few the UN

Reports more than 300 healthcare workers have been killed since the War Began in late January Dr Ahmed and four of her colleagues evacuated Nasser 10 days ago Israeli troops stormed the hospital claiming Hamas was hiding inside patients staff and thousands Sheltering in the hospital spilled onto

The street you know that the IDF has accused Hamas of hiding and operating in these hospitals did you see that at all I can really just talk about what I know and what I know is that the healthc care catastrophe in this H in these hospitals that’s what I

Saw even as explosions surrounded the hospital last week teams from the World Health Organization made their way in 1 2 3 negotiating through the dark to evacuate 32 critical patients some of them children Aid workers say there are still patients and staff inside the hospital with no running water or electricity the international

Humanitarian law is clear healthcare workers humanitarians ambulances and hospitals should be respected and protected in all situations but unfortunately this is not the case in Gaza nbal Fark is the spokesperson for the Palestinian red crescent it’s part of the International Red Cross we met her in this call center

In rala in the Israeli occupied West Bank here operators dispatch emergency workers in Gaza 50 miles away hello this is a recording of one of the call calls the red crescent responded to the week we were there on January 29th the Israeli military ordered parts of Gaza City to evacuate so 15-year-old

Leanne Hamada and her family piled into their car to try and get to safety they’re shooting at us she tells the operator the tank is next to me are you hiding yes in the car we’re next to the tank then the line goes dead hello when the operator called

Back a child answers six-year-old hin rajab the girl’s cousin the tank is next to me she says I’m so scared please come please call someone to come and take me the red crescent says this is the ambulance they sent it was discovered along with the bodies

Of two Medics 12 days after they were dispatched when Israeli Defense Forces left the area henra jaab was also killed the six-year-old’s body was found inside this car alongside five members of her family the IDF told us that the incident is still under review but has accused

Hamas in the past of using ambulances to transport its Fighters the story of H it’s not the only story it’s absolutely dozens of Cs we’re getting since the beginning of the war in Gaza where we fail helpless because we are completely denied access to many areas in Gaza to

Only provide our Emergency Medical Services so what you’re describing is these people can’t leave it’s not safe for them to leave and you can’t get to them exactly this is what henra jaab and her family were trying to escape we obtained this video from a un worker who was with

One of the first teams allowed into Northern Gaza across this apocalyptic landscape images show 2third of Gaza has been flattened satellite images reveal how densely populated the 25m strip was before the war today most of the nearly 2 million residents displaced from their homes have evacuated to the

South here 40 or more people pack in into a room at a makeshift shelter hundreds share one bathroom those who can’t find space in the shelter settle in the sprawling sand pits of gaza’s tth city in Rafa on the border with Egypt for gazans there is no

Way out we’re at the arz border crossing if you were traveling between Gaza and Israel you would have come through this terminal on October 7th Hamas storms the terminal you can see the damage all around us obviously the terminal has been closed since then so now there is

Only one border crossing from Israel into Gaza and that’s for humanitarian Aid that Crossing is known as Kum Shalom the IDF would not allow us to film there before the war more than 500 trucks carrying goods came through the crossing every day today on average about 85 trucks

Evade get through what are the top three things that you need Scott Anderson is trying to get Aid that does come in distributed Anderson is an army vet from Iowa who did two tours in Afghanistan salam alaikum 60 Minutes first met him in Gaza in 2014 when he served as the deputy

Director of operations for the UN relief and works agency known as unra Hi how are you good to see after the War Began in October Anderson who’ retired returned to the job as you know as an American journalist we can’t get in there what is it that you see what is it

Like every day what you mostly see from people every day is trying to find food uh trying to stay warm and trying to find somewhere to use a bathroom I mean that’s what people’s lives consist of it’s very much a pressure cooker environment you can feel in the air it’s

Tense there is no commercial food available in Gaza and the UN says 70% of people don’t have access to clean water so nearly 2 million Gins are dependent on aid for all their food and water last week UNICEF reported that one in six children under the age of two in

Northern Gaza is severely malnourished everybody’s reliant on the International Community the international humanitarian Community to provide their basic necessities you in an Ideal World there’d be 600 trucks a day coming into Gaza you’re nowhere close to that number we’re nowhere close to that number what’s the problem is the hold up at the

Inspection you have two governments in the UN and a lot of people involved there are the security inspections of the of the goods which I understand the Israelis have said the problems on the UN side I would say that is entirely not true it’s not just a un every day

There’s a couple hours where nothing moves okay and that’s not us there’s just nothing to get for 70 years unra has been the largest Aid organization in Gaza providing food education and medical care but to its critics including some Israelis the agency is C corrupt last month Israel accused 12 of unr’s 13,000

Employees of helping to plan and carry out the October 7th attacks the UN fired those employees but 16 countries including the US have stopped funding the organization while investigations are ongoing I’m shocked that somebody associate with the UN can do that but unfortunately throughout history many individuals have betrayed organizations

That they work for betrayed the values we do uphold un values humanitarian principles and we are responding to the best of our ability in Gaza right now if unra collapses who would do the work that you’re doing there’s nobody that can do the work we do H is the backbone of the

Operation and without us the operation will collapse on Thursday Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said he wants to completely shut down unra for the first time Netanyahu outlined his plan for Gaza after the war which included allowing the Israeli military to operate in Gaza indefinitely the IDF has begun an

Internal review of its shortcomings before and during the October 7th attacks amid ongoing negotiations a member of Israel’s war cabinet announced that if the 134 hostages are not home in 2 weeks Israel will launch a ground offenseive in Rafa where more than a million and a half people are Sheltering

The US urged Israel to refrain warning it could worsen an already catastrophic [Applause] situation American CEOs used to Swoon over China its vast pool of consumers has been a magnetic draw for decades but doing business business there has become so fraught and risky with intellectual property theft and an expanded Espionage

Law used to intimidate the business community that us companies have pressed the pause button on top of that the US China relationship has become contentious due partly to beijing’s belligerent activity toward Taiwan and in the South China Sea the balloon spy incident of last year and the list goes

On making matters worse the Chinese economy has hit a wall export growth is slowing the country’s drowning in debt and youth unemployment has soared getting into China to tell that story is All But impossible for most western journalists but when the US ambassador Nicholas Burns invited us to

Come for a visit and an interview we were granted visas we spoke with him at his residence in Beijing more money is leaving China for the first time in 40 years then is coming in from American Japanese European Korean investors now why is that and how much of a problem is that

For them that’s a real problem for this economy they have 1.4 billion people here they’ve got to keep it growing and foreign capital is important you ask why I think there’s been a contradiction in the messaging from the government here in China to the rest of the world on the

One hand they say we’re open for business we want American CH uh Japanese businesses here but on the other hand they’ve raid six or seven American businesses since last March raided raided they’ve gone into American companies and shut them down and made accusations We Believe are very much unwarranted the American companies

Include banan company and and the mince group a company that does due diligence for other companies that might want to invest here was raided last year five of its Chinese employees were taken into custody and they’re still there another firm cap Vision was raided Les the message wasn’t loud and clear a report

About it was put on statun television it accused Western consulting firms of Espionage and Ste steing National Security and Military Secrets they want the investment to come back and they’re raiding American companies and there they’ve passed an amendment to their counter Espionage law and it’s written in such a general way that it

Could be that American Business people could be accused of Espionage for engaging in practices that are perfectly legal and acceptable everywhere else in the world collecting data to do dual diligence so that you can decide whether you want to invest in a company or form a joint venture right what do you think

The Chinese are afraid that these companies are going to find out these due diligence companies what are they worrying about you know I think they want to control data about the Chinese people about Chinese companies and so U that I think is at the heart of the problem with

Those American companies operating in that sphere embassador Burns told us that’s just one of the concerns he hears about there is still intellectual property theft from American companies here is every American company afraid of that yes all kinds of us companies began flocking to China in the early

1980s after the country opened to the West under then leader D sha ping and now US banks operate here Walmart has more than 300 stores across the country Shoppers here in Shanghai can buy Levis browse in an Apple store and get a caramel frappuccino Starbucks has 6,000

Stores in China a thousand stores in Shanghai and they want to keep building because coffee this was a tea culture for hundreds of years it’s now becoming at least with a young Chinese a coffee culture and they love Starbucks they love Starbucks and I’ll buy you a cappuccino I’ll take one thank you

Boeing’s here so is Tesla fizer Chevron Intel but while some businesses are thriving many of the foreign companies are worried about the business climate under President Xi Jinping if you track China from the death of Mao to the opening of China to the world we’ve seen a closing of sorts

We’ve seen a centralization of power of the party we’ve seen increased repression of the people of China here that’s a very significant Trend just over the last decade with shei under his leadership part of that Trend includes president xi’s reversing many of the market reforms that Unleashed China’s economic Miracle they’ve been growing

Over 40 years the fastest growth rate in recorded economic history 8 9 10 11% growth rates they’ve lifted 800 million people out of poverty but what’s happening is that growth rate is slowing down most economists are now projecting they’ll be at 2 three 4% growth maybe even lower in the next they support

Their society if it’s that low that’s going to be difficult for them if there was so much explosive growth if so many people were lifted out of poverty why is he turning away from what worked well I think they’ve got maybe competing priorities the government here in China

Certainly wants the economy to grow but they also have a national security mindset they want a controll data they want that’s more important the control right than economic growth it seems that way I think it’s open for debate you’re hearing we are hearing both messages it

Sounds as if you yourself don’t know the direction it’s going what I perceive here is that the greater energy is with those on the National Security side of the government of China good morning how are you on a train trip from Beijing to Shanghai the Ambassador pointed out that in the

Decades before President XI China powered its economy by investing in these high-speed trains roads factories and skyscrapers that light up Shanghai the financial capital of China but under President XI China lost more than 120 billion dollar worth of long-term foreign investments last year because of the weakening econ

Economy and the harsh government tactics which have left American companies uncertain of the future there there are a lot of American companies here have a lot of them just picked up and left because of this current business environment you know that’s interesting not many not many not many why not China

Is the second largest economy in the world it’s a big market so a few American companies have left but most have stayed some American companies are moving at least some of their operations to Singapore Vietnam Mexico but they’re not leaving China the market irresistible to American Business people

It’s gigantic maybe they’re not leaving but they’re not investing they’re not making major Investments until they can see exactly where the government is headed yet because of the 1.4 billion potential consumers some companies like Disney are increasing their investment welcome to Shanghai Disney Resort it recently expanded its Shanghai

Disneyland that they told us is thriving aptar A9 billion company headquartered in Crystal Lake Illinois is another American firm bucking the trend of capital flight president of aptar Asia shangu gang a chinese-born US citizen showed us around one of their there five manufacturing sites in China we are

Manufacturing for some of the largest US Brands actually the US consumer Brands this factory makes the packaging and dispensing devices for food pharmaceutical and beauty products sold in Asia all of our customers like PNG laa esela they’re all here doing business abtar in China for nearly 30

Years recently invested $60 million in a new Factory Shang way gang says even in a slowing economy the company is doing well American companies here as the Ambassador well knows are pausing or cutting back on investment but not this firm you’re expanding well um because we

Are here for the long term and we believe in the consumption Power Of The Rising middle class it’s 1.4 billion people here and um imagine for for example health care and the same with um cosmetics and beauty and um beverage all all those sectors packaged Foods this

Are really the biggest markets and so so we are very confident about the long term what does it say about the confidence really in the US China relationship it it seems to say you believe that that things will what I’m asking get better that’s a great question for the

Ambassador there I believe so I hope so you know we’ll see actually burn says he’s wary of the future as the fundamental rivalry and mistrust between the US and China is shaking the confidence of the business world and has pushed our relationship to its lowest

Point in half a century is it our most competitive relationship in the world right now this is the most important most competitive and most dangerous relationship that the United States has in the world right now and will I think for the next decade or so I want to

Quote you back to you and tell us what you meant you have said divorce is not an option right our two countries have to live together and this I think is the greatest tension in the US China relationship China’s our most significant competitor and at the same

Time China is our third largest trade partner 750,000 American jobs at stake agriculture China’s the largest market for us agriculture 1 of all of our export products from agriculture are sent to China that was $4.9 billion last year so we can’t afford really to have a real break here well compc jobs would

It’s complicated some people are saying well we’re so competitive with China we should end the economic relationship well the consequence of that would be 750,000 American families wouldn’t be able to put dinner on the table and so this makes for an extraordinarily difficult Balancing Act in my job you’re

A willinda brother I’ve never thought of myself that way but but you’re up high wire right well we have competing interests here and balancing those interests is the reality in the US China relationship we’re going to compete we have to compete responsibly and keep the peace between our countries but we also

Have to engage more about The Balancing Act and the biggest economic problem in China today when we come back one and every five people in the world is Chinese China’s population is four times that of the US and the country is vast 3.7 million square miles it overlooks

The Taiwan straight where half the World’s Trade flows every day and is located about a 100 miles away from Taiwan President XI likes to say that the East is rising the West is declining but economically the US is thriving compared to China in December Moody’s the credit rating agency cut its Outlook

For China to negative and it’s facing a long-term demographic bind a decline in the birth rate that experts say is irreversible meaning the country is both aging and shrinking Ambassador Nicholas Burns took us on a tour starting in Beijing the Ambassador and his wife Libby like to take early morning walks

Through a park near their residence this is a 600y old Ming Dynasty Park called Ron Park it’s a place for a lot of retirees and a lot of young people and it’s tremendously active it’s where the locals come for their early morning routines like Tai Chi yo-yoing and pingpong oops t t

You couldn’t tell from these scenes whoa that China where the co pandemic began is still emerging from the trauma of President XI jinping’s oppressive zeroc covid policy Burns 68 a career Diplomat who has served in both Republican and Democratic administrations got to China at the height of the zero covid lockdowns and quarantine

When my wife Libby and I arrived here in early March of 2022 we were quarantined in this house for 21 days for 3 weeks Shanghai a city of 26 million people was completely locked down for 63 days what was that like in the city we had women

Who needed to give birth and we had to find a way to get them to the hospital we had Americans who wanted to get out but had to find a way out of their locked compounds to the airport so zero Co worked for a while in 20 and 21 they

Had very low or relatively lower infection rates but by 2022 it had really divided this Society it set off rare widespread protests then in December of 2022 president XI ended the policy abruptly the last thing this government is going to accept here is volatility volatility is something yorg

Woodka a German businessman who’s lived and worked in China for over 30 years hadn’t seen since the tianan square Uprising in 1989 he represents BASF the world’s largest chemical producer you have said this is a PTSD country post-traumatic stress disorder country what what do you mean well everybody has been traumatized by the

Lockdowns that took place in many cities across China and the kind of messaging that came out of the leadership it’s for your own safety and then the lockdown was lifted actually it was more a capitulation from the government the lockdown basically left and like a we

Were wrong we’re going to lift it they never said they were wrong that’s not the system to admit that they did something wrong and then you basically like a tsunami Co was rolling across the country after they lifted it uh December January I would say a billion people

Were infected and certainly lots of people died independent analysts say that an estimated 1.4 million people died this kind of environment really changes your attitude towards life and then business we thought we’re going to have a comeback story and we had a good couple of weeks and then the economy

Basically has been fled since you know after covid in the west in the United States particularly we did have a huge quick rebound Why didn’t it happen here well I think that Co also has covered up a couple of long-term problems that has been building up for example in the real

Estate sector we reported on the real estate Sector 10 years ago with astonishing sites like this of empty buildings in city after city across the country this is today similar hollowed out wastelands of unoccupied and unfinished Apartments known as ghost cities when I was here 10 years ago I

Never expected to see these still here but was a housing bubble back then grew and finally exploded this real estate crisis lies at the heart of China’s economic decline has anybody counted up the number of empty units I mean across the whole country well the whole of Germany we

Have 82 million people could move in here right away 80 80 to 90 million apartments are empty 80 to 90 million apartments are empty right unfinished over the years Chinese Banks readily loan money to the developers as the building boom created millions of jobs and propelled China’s growth but in 2020

The government under President XI clamped down on the rampant borrowing causing the major developers to default on their loans and run out of money look at that the facade isn’t even finished he says they couldn’t even afford to take down the cranes in January ever Grand once China’s largest developer was ordered to

Liquidate its remaining assets left in the Lurch are millions of Chinese citizens who bought these apartments before they were built the developers owe their uh customers that paid up uh to the magnitude of1 trillion us so if I did a down payment on one of these apartment right will I ever see

That money no you will not see the money it’s gone it’s it’s gone it’s finished so mean it’s it’s really dramatic 10 years ago we were told that this was the way people put money down for their nest egg right for their retirement fund is

That still the case the 66% 23 of a Family household average wealth is in in apartments that loss of wealth has depressed consumer spending and and drag down the economy we wondered if the people blame president XI for that or for the covid deaths but it was impossible for us to gauge public

Opinion or if it even matters while no one from the government would give us an interview we were able to learn as yorg woodka who’s lived here for 30 years told us it’s not a good idea to bet against the Chinese people what are some of the positive aspects of the economy

Here they do have a strong uh manufacturing base still well the big part is really between the ears of people the brains of the Chinese entrepreneurs that actually made this success story happen China is not really good in basic research but they’re fantastic in development they’re world champion in actually making products

Better faster and cheaper are they better yes they are in some areas our Chinese competitors are breathing down our neck and basically Drive some of us out the market for instance China nom makes over 80% of all the solar panels in the world dominates the wind turbine

Market is poised to overtake Japan as the world’s biggest exporter of cars and more they’re the leading trade partner of twice as many countries in the world as the United States so they have leading trade partner with over 60 countries in the world and now with heavy government subsidies it is fast

Becoming the leader in a electric vehicles last quarter the car maker byd surpassed Tesla as the best-selling EV maker in the world Shanghai based Neo is trying to break through with high-tech Innovations in December the company unveiled a new battery with a driving range of 620 M more than 200 miles

Further than Tesla’s topend model this is this is our flagship William Lee the CEO and founder of Neo says its battery swap technology allows owners to swap out their depleted battery for a fully charged one in under 3 minutes exactly it’s a uh 2 and a half minutes two and a

Half minutes two and a half yes we already installed 2,200 uh swap station around China China is also developing a human humanoid robot industry look at that after lot of year it’s coming true Alex goo is the founder and CEO of forier intelligence hi there last year he launched the gr1 his first

Generation humanoid we can do arm you can swing the arm yeah you see oh look at the fingers oh my word can you play the piano yeah future definitely in the future also in the future he says the robots could provide health care for China’s rapidly aging

Population maybe we can for example we can remote control such kind of robots to help my grandpa for example yeah I think president XI who visited this company last year has called for the mass production of humanoids by 2025 his annual New Year’s speech he talked about the country’s economic woes

And for the first time acknowledged the high unemployment rate still he has laid out a long-term goal of doubling China’s economy by 2035 and surpassing the West in technology our companies and Tech experts are competing on AI and biotech and Quantum mathematics all those technological advances will lead to a

New generation of military technology our two militaries are vying for military Supremacy who’s going to be the most powerful in the most important strategic part of the world which is the Indo Pacific presidents Biden and she met in San Francisco in November in hopes of reestablishing military Communications

Between our two countries which China had cut off I think we’re back to a more settled and stable relationship between the two countries but it’s been a roller coaster the low point he says was the Spy balloon incident last year but there’s also been the buildup of

Military bases in the South China Sea the increase of air sorties near Taiwan and the buzzing of US military planes do you see a lowering of the temperature in the South China Sea no and that’s a problem you don’t and then on Taiwan following speaker Pelosi’s visit we’ve

Seen now for 16 months a much higher rate of Chinese both air activity and Naval activity that’s very intimidating meant to intimidate that hasn’t they haven’t pulled back on that and I think ultimately they want to become and overtake the United States as the dominant country globally and we

Don’t want that to happen we don’t want to live in a world where the Chinese are the dominant country when the Cold War ended we all thought our system had won yeah you know their system failed our system rose up now he’s come back and said no no the Communist system’s the

Right way I guess we didn’t bury that after all you know it’s it’s interesting to compare the old cold war with this time what distinguishes this time versus the old Cold War Soviet Union had a strong military and nuclear weapons it had a very weak economy which in no way

Competed with ours China’s economy is very strong we’re dealing with an adversary a competitor in China stronger than the Soviet Union was in the 1940s 50s 60s 7s and 80s so if that was a Cold War what are you calling this it’s a competition of ideas a battle of ideas

Our idea America’s big idea of a Democratic Society and human Freedom vers versus China’s idea that a communist state is stronger than a democracy we don’t believe that so there’s a battle here as to whose ideas should lead the world and we believe those are American ideas and get married Leslie stall on

Witnessing China change while reporting for 60 minutes this was different from the other times I’ve been there reporting at 60 minutes overtime.com the last minute of 60 Minutes is sponsored by United Healthcare there for what matters now an update on our story this month on the southern border called a

Hole in the system about an hour east of San Diego we found migrants entering the United States illegally what was remarkable was where many were coming from through a gap between the 30ft steel border fence in rocks we were surprised to see the number of people coming through from China nearly 7,000 miles

[Applause] away careful watch our cameras and at one point this armed border patrol agent standing 25 ft away did not deter them but now 60 Minutes can report the Mexican government has placed new outposts near that Gap blocking the Chinese and other migrants I’m Sharon alansy we’ll be back next week with

Another edition of 60 minutes

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“60 Minutes,” the most successful television broadcast in history. Offering hard-hitting investigative reports, interviews, feature segments and profiles of people in the news, the broadcast began in 1968 and is still a hit, over 50 seasons later, regularly making Nielsen’s Top 10.

Video “142 Days in Gaza; An American in China | 60 Minutes Full Episodes” was uploaded on 02/28/2024 to Youtube Channel 60 Minutes