15 Unusual Facts About El Salvador | A Perilous Destination for Women – Video

15 Unusual Facts About El Salvador | A Perilous Destination for Women – Video

15 Strange Things About El Salvador | The Most Dangerous Place for Women
El Salvador is known as the “hidden gem” of Central America, with an area of only 21,041 square kilometers but a place of many wonders. The population of El Salvador as of 2024 is 6.6 million people.
What makes El Salvador different from other Central American countries is its lack of a Caribbean coastline. Instead, El Salvador is surrounded by the Pacific Ocean with a coastline of 307 kilometers, a paradise for surfing enthusiasts and ocean explorers.
Visitors to El Salvador will immerse themselves in unique cultures and enjoy delicious cuisine, participate in vibrant festivals, and explore impressive historical sites. However, women traveling to El Salvador need to be cautious because it is the most dangerous place for women, with 2 percent of the population being victims of crime, and it is also where women can be imprisoned for up to 50 years just for having an abortion.
Let’s explore 15 of the strangest things about the world’s most dangerous country for women – El Salvador.

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Video “15 Strange Things About El Salvador | The Most Dangerous Place for Women” was uploaded on 05/17/2024 to Youtube Channel DiscoveryQuest