The Most Bizarre Country on Earth: Where Women Are Prohibited from Wearing Clothes – Video

The Most Bizarre Country on Earth: Where Women Are Prohibited from Wearing Clothes – Video

The Strangest Country On Earth – Where Women Are Forbidden To Wear Clothes
Chile is a long and narrow country stretching along the western coast of South America. With a length of about 4,300 kilometers and a width of only about 177 kilometers at its widest point, Chile is notable for its diverse geography and climate. The Atacama Desert, the driest place on Earth with no rain and no vegetation, is strangely home to blooming flowers.
Chile is also a land of wine and nude beaches. The country has recorded the world’s largest earthquake and has an enormous fashion landfill.
Let’s explore 20 strange things about Chile, where women are forbidden to wear clothes!

Watch the video by DiscoveryQuest

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Video “The Strangest Country On Earth – Where Women Are Forbidden To Wear Clothes” was uploaded on 09/20/2024 to Youtube Channel DiscoveryQuest