“We’re Talking Serious Money” is a thrilling crime comedy that follows two small-time New York crooks, played by Dennis Farina and Leo Rossi, who borrow $10,000 from the mob and quickly find themselves in over their heads, owing a million dollars. As they try to come up with a plan to repay the debt and avoid getting whacked, chaos ensues in this fast-paced and humorous film.
The movie features an ensemble cast including the talented Fran Drescher, known for her work in television series such as “The Nanny.” Directed by James Lemmo and written by Dennis Farina, “We’re Talking Serious Money” offers a mix of suspense, humor, and action that will keep viewers on the edge of their seats.
With twists and turns at every corner, this full-length movie is sure to entertain audiences looking for a lighthearted yet suspenseful film. Check out “We’re Talking Serious Money” for a wild ride through the world of New York City crime.
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Video “We're Talking Serious Money FULL MOVIE | (Dennis Farina, Leo Rossi, Fran Drescher) STREAM CITY” was uploaded on 09/30/2024 to Youtube Channel Stream City
This movie is a comedy right ? Because i really think it should 😀😂 very funny❤
Loving crooks.
We could be crooks.
I can watch these kinds of movies forever 😍
Luck follows the crazy. An entertaining film with many funny moments – and I've never seen a car chase with so much inter-talk. 😊
Really good comic movie ❤
These 2 make dumb and dumber look like qaunthom physicists 😅
Give someone 10 000 n get 100 000 in bonds tomorrow😂Okay stupid😂He wasn't home where is he. Gone
American comedy. Where the people sound like morons from the the Bronx. Inarticulate, vulgar, simpletons, the warning is on the label, American Comedy.
You're a true luminary! 🌟 – "Dream big and dare to fail."
American “ comedy”,,,,,😩
The NANNY! Yeah……
It's like watching The Three Stooges except there are only two stooges in this movie. HAHAHA!!!!
"Charlie, The #KingOfKink Will Drive You Home."
15:00 After losing ten grand, where did these two find the dough to buy two airline tickets to LA…?
Sparkling. Thanks a million.