In the 1974 film “Death Sentence,” directed by E.W. Swackhamer, audiences are taken on a thrilling journey as Susan Davis, played by Cloris Leachman, serves as a juror in a murder trial. As the trial progresses, Susan begins to question the guilt of the defendant, John Healey, portrayed by Nick Nolte. She soon uncovers a shocking truth – the real killer is actually her own husband, played by Laurence Luckinbill.
The film delves into themes of betrayal, justice, and the lengths one will go to in order to uncover the truth. The stellar performances by the cast, including Leachman, Nolte, and Luckinbill, bring the complex characters to life and keep audiences on the edge of their seats.
“Death Sentence” is a gripping thriller that will leave viewers questioning the nature of trust and the consequences of uncovering dark secrets. With a captivating storyline and a talented cast, this film is a must-watch for any cinephile looking for a riveting and thought-provoking movie experience.
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Video “Death Sentence (1974) | FREE MOVIE (Cloris Leachman, Nick Nolte, Laurence Luckinbill)” was uploaded on 12/04/2024 to Youtube Channel Stream City
Brilliant as Always
Nick ..too
What's your favorite Nick Nolte movie? Down And Out In Beverly Hills for me 🙂
Good movie.
I enjoyed this. It's quite straightforward but with just enough suspense to make it interesting. Cloris Leachman looks pretty with her long hair and '70s dresses.
I kept falling asleep
Great Film!!! seen it twice now
A great story & well paced production. I enjoyed this movie immensely.
Husband: Darling, there's a thousand reasons why your theories don't add up.
Wife: And only one reason you're gaslighting and not completely gobsmacked
that I've accused you of murder!
Husband: I'm good. It's water under the bridge. Let's go to bed.
Wife: Okay darling.
Thank you, Stream City.🎥
Great movie, realistic, can't run away from the truth🎉
Great movie
The synopsis in description gives framework for film. Maybe best to read it twenty minutes in 20:00
Nick Nolte is untypically understated. 🤠
Great movie thanks 🇦🇺🦘
Great movies thanks 🇦🇺🦘
This is a good one.
Thanks for the upload great movie
A perfect example how men don't own up to their ACTIONS !!!
Woww. Excellent!
a fave tv movie, Ive watched it a few times and still enjoy it.
White high heels in a thunderstorm. That's not believable.
Quite a few flaws, poor script. Nick Nolte would have had an alibi, the coroner would have been able to determine that at the time of the murder he was drinking and also why would the murderer leave the scarf he committed the murder with at the scene of the murder? and it was not Nolte's scarf. Nick Nolte's lawyer was a brilliant actor. And Nick Nolte did very well, you could see he was going to become a big star.