The official trailer for “LIFELINE” introduces us to Steven, a devoted worker at a suicide hotline, who finds himself in the midst of a chilling and mysterious situation. Directed by an up-and-coming talent in the industry, this film promises to deliver a unique blend of drama and supernatural elements. The cast is led by a talented ensemble, with standout performances sure to keep audiences on the edge of their seats. As Steven navigates this strange and otherworldly phone call, viewers are taken on a thrilling and suspenseful journey that will leave them questioning the boundaries between life and death. With a gripping storyline and expertly crafted visuals, “LIFELINE” is a must-see for fans of psychological thrillers and supernatural mysteries.
Watch the video by Rapid Trailer
Video “LIFELINE Official Trailer (2025)” was uploaded on 01/29/2025 to Youtube Channel Rapid Trailer
Seems legit
Now imagine if Steven hadn't been alone in that office. Watch Bob help him get through this mess!
Looks actually good!
Wow ok now we’re talking definitely watching kinda gives me the vibes of Frequency with Dennis Quaid & Jim Caviezel. I will be watching!! 😊
It’s great for one reason…… ORIGINAL IDEA!!!!! Who cares about A listers & all that bling. Give an audience a great, original IDEA & you’ll have them for the next 120 min. 10/10 for the writer of this film.
Why does he sound like the guy from Nobody ?
5.7 on IMDb