Princ is a rising Serbian music artist selected to represent Serbia at the Eurovision Song Contest 2025 with the captivating song “Mila.” With a unique blend of traditional Serbian sounds and modern pop elements, Princ’s performance is sure to captivate audiences across Europe. Stay tuned for his performance on May 13, 15 & 17 in Basel, Switzerland. “Mila” is set to be released on [release date] and is sure to make waves on the charts.
Watch the video by Eurovision Song Contest
Video “Princ – Mila | Serbia 🇷🇸 | Official Music Video | #Eurovision2025” was uploaded on 03/16/2025 to Youtube Channel Eurovision Song Contest
Ja se jezim na ovo,12 bodova iz Hrvatske definitivno
good luck! 🇷🇸 ❤ 🇩🇪
Winner of Eurovision 2002
Beautiful ❤
12 points from Azerbaijan 🇦🇿🇦🇿
12 points from UK
Is a very beautiful song.😊
Hajde da doguramo do 500 hiljada pregleda
congrats on Montenegro for qualifying this is horrible 💜
This is just stage for music video, nit stage for ESC. 😀 REVAMP is good 👌🔥
Won't qualify.
Too many new music videos but no reupload for Milkshake Man. Shame!
Too bad this song wasn’t written in English
E, ovo je muzički već drugačija i mnogo bolja priča!🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀
Ovo sad podsjeća na Joksimovica… anyway mislim da su izvukli maksimum iz pjesme
I am proud that this wonderful song represents us this year
Mila o Molitva?
My favourite Disney Prince ❤
Beautiful song, handsome man, great voice, what else does he need to qualify?
Da li ja ,,tripujem,, ili ovo zvuci drugacije nego na PZE-u!?!?!
Dommage qu'il ne soit pas en français, ça aurait grandement augmenté les chances de gagner. Mais quand même super🥰
Please share that the new version of the song Mila is being heard🇷🇸❣️
Why does this man get so much hatred by the fandom? It will qualify for sure
Magija od pjesme 🇷🇸je ponosna.
Beautiful song❤ Much love from Greece 🇬🇷❤🇷🇸
My love for Serbia,Greece,Cyprus,Spain and Czech Republic.
Only love🇷🇸
Mnogooo bolja verzija od prve
I like
❤Vanvremenska balada ,savršenstvo❤💪💪💪
Great song!!
This is beautiful! Zeljko Joksimovic really vibe this is serbia we want
Really beautiful song. Thanks Serbia.
Bravo bre …bas jako
The beginning sounds like the start of 'Nije Ljubav Stvar'
Ucices u finale, verujem u tebe!
I preffered the Viking look. It is good contrast between tough looks and soft singing.
Nije ovo pesma za Evroviziju, ovo je za nekolicinu ljudi koji vole ‘vako’ nešto…
Dal da se dozovemo pameti više… kao zemlja, kao država Srbija, ko gura i ko odlučuje i ko su ljudi koji stoje u žiriju i ko su ti ljudi uopšte… 🤔
even if he looks like Seth Rollins, this Song is trash
good, better, the best
❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ovo je prava muzika i umetnost.
Terrible entry
Ne mijenjajte mjesec, ružu i akrobatkinju… Molim Vas…!!!
👑na tebe ❤❤ bravo
The best❤