A Summer Place is a 1959 drama film that follows the story of self-made millionaire Ken Jorgenson and his family as they vacation on Pine Island, Maine. The film explores the romance between Ken and Sylvia Hunter, who is trapped in a loveless marriage. When news of their romance becomes public, it causes scandal and upheaval. However, it also brings together Ken’s daughter and Sylvia’s son, who are determined not to repeat their parents’ mistakes.
The film is set against the backdrop of a quiet and fashionable summer resort, where shocking and controversial events unfold. The trailer promises explosive and provocative storytelling, as it delves into themes of love, scandal, and family dynamics. A Summer Place offers a compelling portrayal of the complexities of relationships and the impact of secrets and scandals on the lives of its characters.
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A Summer Place (1959) Official Trailer – Sandra Dee, Richard Egan Movie HD
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Self-made millionaire Ken Jorgenson vacations with his wife and teenage daughter on Pine Island, Maine, where — some 20 years earlier — he’d worked as a lifeguard. Jorgenson now resumes a romance with island resident Sylvia Hunter who is trapped in a marriage as loveless as Jorgenson’s. Scandal erupts when word of this romance becomes public, but it serves to draw together Jorgenson’s daughter and Sylvia’s teenage son who are appalled by their parents’ mistakes and determined not to repeat them.
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Video “A Summer Place (1959) Official Trailer – Sandra Dee, Richard Egan Movie HD” was uploaded on 12/18/2013 to Youtube Channel Rotten Tomatoes Classic Trailers