2024 Travel Advisory: Is Costa Rica Safe for Visiting?

2024 Travel Advisory: Is Costa Rica Safe for Visiting?

Travelers can feel reasonably safe in Costa Rica. The Global Peace Index lists it as the safest destination in Latin America.

Even though Costa Rica is among the safest places in Central America to visit, you should still need to exercise caution. The primary issue that faces travelers is petty theft, so you should always be aware of your surroundings and possessions. 


February 20 – Costa Rica has identified 36 places in Costa Rica where tourists are more likely to be at risk

The risky areas include the coastal towns and beaches of Jacó, Tamarindo, Quepos, Dominicalito, and Manuel Antonio.

Based on an analysis, Costa Rican security agencies said that tourist destinations like Garabito, Cahuita, Montezuma, Mal País, Santa Teresa, La Fortuna, Samara, and the Osa Peninsula require closer monitoring to prevent crimes.

Enhanced measures are being taken to reduce the high rates of crime that affect the nation’s most visited tourist locations. In recent years, the Costa Rican government has been repeatedly urged by the National Chamber of Tourism (CANATUR) to prioritize visitor security.

February 19 – Experts issued a warning about rising temperatures and increased UV radiation in Costa Rica

Experts from the National Meteorological Institute (IMN) of Costa Rica have raised alarms over the expected rise in temperatures and an increase in ultraviolet (UV) radiation levels in the coming months. Daniel Poleo, a climatologist at IMN, attributes this forecast to the Zenithal Sun phenomenon, which will cause the sun’s rays to fall more directly on Costa Rica during March and April, leading to higher temperatures and a more intense sensation of heat. This period will notably experience a peak in UV radiation, especially between March 15 and April 15, with the most significant risk of exposure occurring from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Areas to Avoid

San Jose, Capital of Costa Rica

Quepos, the gateway town immediately outside Manuel Antonio National Park is becoming dangerous. Exercise caution there. The same is true for Tamarindo and Jaco because of criminal activities (mostly robberies) aimed at tourists.

The Desamparados neighborhood in San Rafael, Santa Rosa de Pocosol, San Carlos, a rural area bordering Nicaragua, Matina, a small rural community along the Matina River in Limón province, Limón, Liberia, Pococí, Talamanca, and the district of Barranca, on the…

Read full article: Is Costa Rica Safe To Visit? Travel Advisory 2024

The post “Is Costa Rica Safe To Visit? Travel Advisory 2024” by Maria Valencia was published on 02/20/2024 by www.travelinglifestyle.net