HUSH MONEY is a gripping thriller that follows the story of an art teacher who finds himself in a dangerous predicament. When he kidnaps the daughter of a prominent ballplayer in order to repay a debt to a ruthless mob boss, his carefully laid out plans quickly unravel. As the stakes get higher and the tension rises, the art teacher must navigate a dangerous game of cat and mouse to save himself and the young girl.
Directed by Terrell Lamont and featuring a talented cast including Rodney Grier, Portia Prescott, and Holly Westwood, HUSH MONEY promises to be a thrilling ride from start to finish. With a TV-MA certification, viewers can expect intense action, suspense, and drama throughout the film.
For fans of action, thriller, and drama movies, HUSH MONEY is a must-watch. Stay tuned for its premiere on English HD in 2024 for an unforgettable cinematic experience.
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Video “HUSH MONEY 🎬 Exclusive Full Thriller Action Movies Premiere 🎬 English HD 2024” was uploaded on 04/15/2024 to Youtube Channel WATCH ACTION MOVIES NOW
17:30 Yep. That's about what they would do and say. Pathetic.
What happened to the delivery guy?
😢😢😢where is Stormy Daniels 😢
Wow …what a film!
This movie is s***at best
Life can be really hard, people get desperate, make simple or huge mistakes. Some receive a positive lesson from theirs or other mistakes, some cannot seem to catch that all important break. thank you for the movie WAMN!
Great movie! Youll fall in love with the bad guy. Great acting. Great script. Really really good!
Something's just not dieing for 🍿🍿💪
World needs more movies like this.
FAR FETCHED — but i enjoyed it !
FOund this accidentally..great movie .yelling at screen the whole time .I know this dude..for where???
So desperate and society makes us this way…no doubt ppl resort to borrowing fr wrong ppl, banks, loan places. Really sad the society of the 1%ers..we all slaves for them
What a great movie! All-natural acting. Superb.
Perfect timing 👌
The guys acting alone is worth a watch ,quite captivating, and very convincing, thankyou
Donal trump situation bought me here 🙄
It took the heck out of me. Ouf really an excellent movie. Type of scenario which is not done very often . Thank you. Get yourself a good chair before watching.
Both, F^ckin nailed it with the acting!
Such a great movie
Now I like this
Now I like this 13:11 13:13
He's what you call a Good Bad Guy
What’s against the law about hush money? The person that excepts it should be the one in trouble
A citation without even knowing his name, lol. Gonna be a cheesy show
I’ve known a few people that have died from asthma attacks. Why would the good lord do this shit.
Cops always say I get it, lol. They are trained to say that. They don’t get shit
Big bore
Good movie ty
They are a lot of people in the world that would take their own life people just do not know what other people think about
Absolutely superb! Brilliant performances and extremely well put together.
Awesome 🎉 thanks 😊
Was a good movie especially the ending