The polarizing ex-president of Peru, Alberto Fujimori, passes away at the age of 86 • FRANCE 24 English

The polarizing ex-president of Peru, Alberto Fujimori, passes away at the age of 86 • FRANCE 24 English

Peru’s polarising ex-president Alberto Fujimori passed away at the age of 86, leaving behind a complicated legacy. Fujimori, who ruled Peru from 1990 to 2000, was known for his authoritarian leadership style and harsh crackdown on dissent. He was credited with defeating leftist guerrilla groups and stabilizing the economy, but his presidency was also marked by allegations of human rights abuses, corruption, and election fraud.

After resigning from office in 2000 amid a corruption scandal, Fujimori fled to Japan, where he lived in exile for several years. He was extradited back to Peru in 2007 and ultimately convicted of ordering the killings of civilians by death squads during his time in power. Despite his conviction, Fujimori remained a divisive figure in Peruvian politics, with some supporters praising his tough stance on crime and terrorism, while others condemned his record of human rights violations.

Fujimori’s death has reignited debate about his legacy and the impact of his tenure on Peru. Some mourn his passing as the end of a turbulent chapter in the country’s history, while others see it as an opportunity to reflect on the need for accountability and justice. Regardless of one’s view of Fujimori, his death marks the end of an era for Peru and raises questions about the country’s future direction.

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Video “Peru’s polarising ex-president Alberto Fujimori dies at 86 • FRANCE 24 English” was uploaded on 09/12/2024 to Youtube Channel FRANCE 24 English