The official trailer for the upcoming sci-fi horror movie ASH, set to be released in 2025, introduces us to the mysterious planet of Ash where our protagonist, Riya (played by Eiza González), wakes up to a horrifying sight – her entire crew slaughtered. As she navigates the desolate landscape, a man named Brion (portrayed by Aaron Paul) appears to rescue her.
What follows is a gripping tale of psychological and physical terror as Riya and Brion must face their deepest fears and insecurities while struggling to survive in this alien world. The trailer hints at a complex dynamic between the two characters, as they grapple with the question of whether or not they can trust each other.
Directed by a talented filmmaker and featuring a stellar cast that includes Eiza González and Aaron Paul, ASH promises to be a thrilling and intense cinematic experience. The trailer is filled with eerie visuals, suspenseful moments, and a sense of impending danger, creating a sense of anticipation for what is sure to be a heart-pounding ride.
With its blend of science fiction and horror elements, ASH looks to be a must-watch for fans of both genres. Stay tuned for the release of this intriguing film, and prepare yourself for a chilling journey to the planet of Ash.
Watch the video by Rapid Trailer
Video “ASH Official Trailer (2025) Eiza González, Aaron Paul Movie HD” was uploaded on 10/20/2024 to Youtube Channel Rapid Trailer
Looks great
CGI looks good 👍
They didn't show the whole film. Almost a new experience.
Now I have to actually watch the film to see what it's about. You'd think all trailers would do this.
shudder… coming to cinema? huh? Is that a miss print?
what the heck is this?
Ok, now I’m intrigued! Looks like a new plot for once!
Star Field, the movie…
Looks almost like an AI movie trailer.
Flying Lotus is actually someone's name 😂?
Some of the scenes from this movie look like background video for an Iron Butterfly concert.
this looks sick. i'm actually going to see this in theaters.i can't recall the last time I saw a movie like this in theaters
Horizont Down. 8)
da,m! i thought this was an evil dead sequel
This looks interesting, a great example of how movie trailers should be done.