Biden and Trump Prepare for Debate Battle – Video

Biden and Trump Prepare for Debate Battle – Video

President Biden and Donald Trump are preparing to face off in a highly anticipated CNN presidential debate in Georgia. With 73% of Americans saying they are likely to watch, the stakes are high as both candidates gear up for what is sure to be a heated exchange.

President Biden arrived in Atlanta looking energized after a week of intense debate preparation at Camp David. Meanwhile, Donald Trump has been strategizing with his advisors at Mar-a-Lago, readying himself for the challenge ahead.

One notable change for this debate is that the candidates’ microphones will be muted when it is not their turn to speak, a decision made to prevent interruptions and ensure a more organized and civil debate.

With tensions running high and the nation watching, all eyes will be on this showdown between two of the most prominent political figures in the country. Stay tuned as Inside Edition’s Les Trent brings you all the latest updates on this historic debate.

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Video “President Biden and Donald Trump Gear Up for Debate” was uploaded on 06/28/2024 to Youtube Channel Inside Edition