Billboard: Lady A Reveals Their Playlist Favorites – Video

Billboard: Lady A Reveals Their Playlist Favorites – Video

Lady A Shares What’s on Their Playlist | Billboard

Lady A, the American country music group, recently shared their personal playlist in a fun and candid video for Billboard. The band members, Charles, Hillary, and Dave, each revealed their favorite tunes for different occasions, giving fans insight into their musical tastes.

Charles shared his road trip playlist, which included artists like Keen and Mindy Smith. Meanwhile, Dave’s road trip picks featured The Eagles, and Hillary’s old school favorites included *NSYNC and Boyz II Men, with a special shoutout to Craig David from the late ’90s and early 2000s R&B era.

When it comes to working out, the band members’ preferences vary. Charles enjoys hard rock from bands like Rival Sons, while Hillary opts for girl boss anthems from Beyonce or catchy pop tunes from the Jonas Brothers. And for Dave, the tempo of the music is crucial for his workout sessions, whether it’s Ed Sheeran’s collaborations project or the energetic sounds of The 1975 and Band Camino.

For date nights, Lady A’s playlist includes artists like Ben Rector and John Mayer, creating a cozy and romantic atmosphere for cooking together and spending quality time with loved ones.

Overall, Lady A’s playlist covers a wide range of genres and moods, revealing their diverse musical influences and preferences. The video not only offers fans a glimpse into the band members’ personal lives but also provides inspiration for creating their own playlists for different occasions.

Watch the video by Billboard

What’s up everybody we are lady and this is our Playlist Charles’s road trip playlist would be keen and Mindy Smith my Smith old school I like it Keen Dave’s would be the Eagles yes Hillary’s is going to be like old school like insync innc boy bands forever Boys Boys to Men yes maybe throw in a little what was the thing we

Were geeking out on the other day Craig David oh Craig David love Craig David I love Craig David late ’90s early 2000s R&B or boy bands that is my go-to on a road trip the booty man can that’s a deep cut Craig Davy there my workout playlist I will say

Varies it kind of depends on what mood I’m in I either do like Rival Suns which is kind of this new really hard rock band I say new they’ve been out for a little while even when I’m like lifting heart I still like like chill music

Whether it’s like like a you know soft Cold Play or something in that world you know mind Smith if I’m in a real girl boss mood it’ll be like Beyonce and then sometimes I’ll go like Jonas Brothers I think sometimes Tempo it’s all about the tempo when you’re working out whether

It’s when you’re lifting or you’re running and then sometimes it’s the music that is going to help me get out of bed and actually do the workout my workout playlist uh it’s actually called workout Central Park uh for a Central Park run when I in New York but um Ed Sheeran The

Collaborations project um and then some 1975 band Camino dude I rock out I rock out the little B yeah how do you share playlist I hope youall like LIF lifting and myy Smith on the date night playlist I thought about this the day remember like when we were like in like college and stuff and you’d have like a make out playlist oh yeah yeah when I need to start putting some music on you don’t make out anymore we still

Make out but like there’s no music oh put the playl on little playlist on I need to get back to the little little makeout mix for me and my wife this is really sweet I know date night playlist for me would be an artist I love and my

Husband loves named Ben Rector he’s a Nashville based guy so talented um John Mayor always I feel like that’s our cooking playlist John Mar um cooking playlist and date night playlist are kind of that’s kind of is our date nights right they’re like they’re like Cooks good

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Video “Lady A Shares What’s on Their Playlist | Billboard” was uploaded on 01/03/2024 to Youtube Channel Billboard