In the upcoming horror-comedy film “Bloody Axe Wound,” audiences are introduced to Abbie Bladecut, a teenager struggling to balance the dark traditions of her family’s bloody trade with the typical experiences of adolescence. Set in the small town of Clover Falls, Abbie’s father, Roger Bladecut, has made a name for himself by recording real-life killings and selling the footage to morbid enthusiasts.
As Abbie navigates her family’s macabre legacy, she begins to question whether it’s time for a change. Should she continue in her father’s footsteps, or is it time to forge a new path?
Directed by a master of horror-comedy, “Bloody Axe Wound” promises thrills, chills, and plenty of dark humor. The talented cast brings the story to life, with standout performances from the likes of [insert Cast names here]. With a captivating script by [insert Writer name here], this film is sure to keep audiences on the edge of their seats.
Prepare for a rollercoaster ride of gore, laughs, and unexpected twists in “Bloody Axe Wound,” coming to theaters in 2024.
Watch the video by Rapid Trailer
Video “BLOODY AXE WOUND Trailer (2024) Horror, Comedy Movie HD” was uploaded on 12/04/2024 to Youtube Channel Rapid Trailer
Anyone else thinking Dead Pool on the Thumb Nail.
Same old, same old 🙄
That is a seriously provocative title. Period.
Damn, they're running out of Horror movie names!😂😂😂
This looks like more of the standard, predictable Hollywood DEI garbage. Move along.
So you all thought malignant with some amazing, awesome horror movie, but you think this one looks boring? This looks ten times better than malignant was
…You gotta admit this is interesting.
Back to the 80s horror comedy crap!!!
An original concept, finally!
Nothing original here, looks cringe and of course they gotta make everything LGBTQ.
This doesn't look…. bad?