Despite Doctors Saying They Couldn’t Help, I Lost 170lbs and Found a Brand New Me – Video

Despite Doctors Saying They Couldn’t Help, I Lost 170lbs and Found a Brand New Me – Video

Doctors Said They Couldn't Help – So I Lost 170lbs | BRAND NEW ME

Whitney’s weight affected her family as well, as her children began to pick up the same bad habits. Realizing the impact her weight was having on her family, Whitney knew she had to make a change. Over time, she lost an incredible 170 pounds, completely transforming her life and the lives of her family.

Whitney’s journey to a healthier lifestyle included therapy, low carb eating, weight loss surgery, and consistent exercise. She also made the decision to undergo skin removal surgery to address her loose skin, a decision that greatly improved her confidence.

Her dedication to her health and well-being has not only improved her own life, but also the lives of her family. Her husband and sons all lost significant amounts of weight, and they are all living happier, healthier lives as a result of Whitney’s determination and commitment to change.

From feeling like she couldn’t even walk to becoming an advocate for healthy living, Whitney’s transformation is truly inspirational. She hopes to motivate, inspire, and encourage others who may be struggling with their own health and weight. Whitney’s journey is a testament to the power of perseverance, determination, and the ability to change one’s life for the better.

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At my heaviest my health and Mobility was at an all-time low the doctor he took one look at me and said I can’t help you when I realized that my children were picking up the same bad habits as me I knew that at that point I

Had to make a change at my heaviest weight I was 302 lb I’ve lost 170 lb my change in lifestyle benefited my family because they’ve also lost weight I’m beyond grateful to be honest I believe she’s like 100% the main reason why we are how healthy we are as a family

Now so on a typical day at my heaviest weight breakfast it was pancakes Donuts waffles one of my worst Food vices was these sugar cookies um I would probably eat a whole container of them by myself when I was younger food was a safe space for me I

Grew up very poor so we had nothing but processed foods so that’s way where my eating addiction came from eventually when I grew up that’s just the things that I was used to eating I would say I was fairly small until I had children and then with each pregnancy I just

Gained weight didn’t lose it all had another baby and then the cycle just continued my diet has changed a lot in my transformation mostly it was just sugary Foods anything that was fast quick SA Ying in the moment I like to still be able to eat the things that I

Used to eat but in a low carb style at my heaviest my health and Mobility was at an alltime low I had three slip discs and two of them were ruptured and I couldn’t walk I couldn’t even sleep in the bed for about 2 years I was hooked

To like tins units and compression cuffs just to get to sleep at night the doctor he saw how bad my MRI was and as soon as I got in in there he took one look at me and said I can’t help you and it was because of my weight Dylan and my kids

Were super supportive at my heaviest they never mentioned anything about my weight while I was big I didn’t even realize it to be honest with you with her um I guess that’s what what they call that the love love Vision whenever mommy was bigger and um overweight did I

Seem sad to you no because you always wanted us to feel happy and joyful and you didn’t want us to feel down about your weight I noticed my family was struggling with food when doctors started pointing out things mentioning my children because they were always with me my oldest Logan he

Weighed 235 and my middle son dalen he weighed 193 what do yall think about our diet before oh no that not healthy see no always always fast food always ate out and then we would also come home and eat all those things again which

Would lead us to a lot of weight when I realized that my children were picking up the same bad habits as me I knew that at that point I had to make a change because it started with me I first started losing weight going to therapy

And starting low carb I lost 60 lbs originally and then I had my weight loss surgery there is a stigma with the weight loss surgery there’s a stigma that it’s cheating or you took the easy way out but people don’t understand that the statistics are very high for you

Actually gaining all of your weight back I knew that if I didn’t stick to it this was my last stretch of hope so I just started with the treadmill and then about a year or so into my journey I started doing personal one-on ones with my trainer that helped me fill my

Confidence to get into weight training and that’s where I am now at my heaviest weight I was 302 lb I’ve lost 170 lb it took me a year and 4 months to lose all the weight training is important in my life because it’s something that I have

To do just for my mental health when I’m there I know I’m bettering myself that’s my me time I work out Monday through Friday every week I don’t necessarily like it in the moment but it’s part of a habit sometimes I come in here kicking and screaming and my favorite part is to

Leave but I know that if I get it done I prove to myself once again that I’ll never be the girl I was before so these are my scars from my tummy tuck and then I have a scar from underneath my chin to down past my neck

I had a very prominent double chin and with that came a lot of loose skin under here I decided to get the skin removal surgery fairly early on into my weight loss I’m not saying that everybody needs to be insecure with their loose skin I

Still have it and I still intend to keep it in the places I do have it but it was a huge insecurity and it’s an everyday battle just because you’re a smaller person doesn’t mean that you have all the confidence so this is actually a 5x

T-shirt that I used to wear it is so huge on me this was my original wedding ring it’s a size N I had gotten so big that it didn’t fit my finger anymore so I got a fake one and it it was a size 10

It just Falls right off and now um I just wear a little gold band that’s a size 5 and 1/2 I lost 4 and 1/2 to five ring sizes after all the work I put in I definitely feel lighter and more free and I feel like I can accomplish

Anything now that I’ve actually taken on this task and I’ve defeated it the future for me is freedom I’m I’m just so ready to live my life I’m here to motivate if I can or to inspire or encourage people to just live healthier honestly Whitney’s weight loss has been

Very expiring it it actually blows my mind how much she’s achieved so far in her journey I witness personally like of all the people that reach out to her and like acknowledge her and how many questions she’s answered help other people go through the same process that

She’s going through and stuff like that it’s just really amazing my change and lifestyle benefited my family because they’ve also lost weight and become healthier my husband lost 40 lbs my oldest son lost 65 lb and my middle son lost 70 lb I’m beyond grateful to be

Honest because from where we were to where we are now I believe she’s like 100% the main reason why we are how healthy we are and how happy we are as a family now I feel healthier I feel more energetic and I’m proud of myself for doing and pushing myself including my

Mom with all the help and support she’s given me seeing my family happy and healthier makes me feel like I actually did something Beyond losing weight I definitely never thought I would be this person going from somebody who was overweight to changing my mindset and being that person person and that

Advocate and that friend for other people that’s my main goal for anything and everyone is to just let them know they’re not alone cuz this journey can be very difficult

Author Video Description


SUPERMUM and healthy living advocate, Whitney, had a difficult relationship with food from a young age – but when she had children, her weight really skyrocketed. At her heaviest, her “health and mobility was at an all time low” – to the point where she “couldn’t walk” and she was “hooked to TENS units and compression cuffs just to sleep at night”. Eventually her doctor told her “I can’t help you”. Given the way in which her “eating addiction” had crept up on her over the years, it also took her a while to notice that her children were inheriting her food habits and, along with her husband Dylan, were overweight too. Whitney realised that she “had to make a change because it started with me”. Consulting a therapist to help fortify her mentally for the road ahead, Whitney revamped her diet with a focus on low carbohydrate foods and lost 60lbs before having weight loss surgery in 2022 – after which the hard work really started. With her newfound passion for healthy eating and after establishing a 5-days-a-week gym regime, Whitney has lost an incredible 170lbs and dropped five wedding ring sizes. But the true reward for Whitney has been the effect her own journey has had on her family – her sons losing 65lbs and 70lbs respectively and her husband, Dylan, losing 40lbs. The outcome is not lost on Dylan, who told truly: “I’m beyond grateful to be honest. I believe she is 100% the main reason why we are how healthy we are and how happy we are as a family now.”

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Videographer: Dan Jones
Producers: Kim Nguyen, Tom Buckman & Courtney Buabeng
Editor: Renee Wong

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Video “Doctors Said They Couldn't Help – So I Lost 170lbs | BRAND NEW ME” was uploaded on 01/14/2024 to Youtube Channel truly