Disabling Instagram’s Political Content Restrictions: A Step-by-Step Guide – Video

Disabling Instagram’s Political Content Restrictions: A Step-by-Step Guide – Video

How to Turn Off Instagram’s Political Content Restrictions

If you’ve noticed a decrease in political content on your Instagram feed, you’re not alone. Meta, the company behind Instagram, has announced that they will no longer be actively recommending political content from accounts you don’t follow. While you will still see posts from accounts you follow, you may not see as much political content on your explore page or in your feed recommendations.

However, if you’re not a fan of this new limitation, you can easily turn it off in your app settings. Simply open the Instagram app, go to your profile, tap the hamburger menu in the upper right-hand corner, scroll down to Content Preferences, tap on political content, and then hit the toggle next to “don’t limit political content.” This will allow you to see more political topics in your suggested content across both Instagram and Facebook.

If you ever feel overwhelmed by political content and need a break, you can always go back into your settings and turn the limit option back on. This gives you full control over the political content you see on your social media feeds.

Watch the video by CNET

If it feels like you’re seeing a lot less political content on Instagram it’s not just you metan now says it’s not going to quote proactively recommend political content from accounts you don’t follow so you should still see posts from people you do follow but you’re not going to see as much

Political content on your explore page or feed recommendations but if you’re not feeling this new content limitation you can turn it off in the app settings open the Instagram app and then go to your profile then tap the hamburger menu in the upper right hand corner then scroll down to Content

Preferences then tap political content then hit the toggle next to don’t limit political content now you should see more political topics in your suggested content across both Instagram and threads and if you decide you need a break you can always go back into your settings and turn the limit option back on again

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Video “How to Turn Off Instagram’s Political Content Restrictions” was uploaded on 03/30/2024 to Youtube Channel CNET