White Coffin, also known as Ataúd Blanco: El Juego Diabólico, is a gripping thriller that follows Virginia, a mother who will stop at nothing to rescue her abducted daughter. After a tragic accident, Virginia is given the opportunity to live one more day. As she embarks on her mission, she discovers that there are fates worse than death.
Released in 2016, White Coffin stars Julieta Cardinali, Eleonora Wexler, and Rafael Ferro, and is directed by Daniel de la Vega, with the writing credits going to Adrian Garcia Bogliano and Ramiro García Bogliano.
This TV-MA rated film promises a thrilling and mysterious journey as Virginia navigates through the dangers and challenges in her path to save her daughter. Action-packed and intense, White Coffin is sure to keep viewers on the edge of their seats.
For fans of sci-fi and fantasy, Watch Now offers a curated selection of exciting films from these genres, with a new movie released every day. So, buckle up and get ready for a heart-pounding experience with White Coffin.
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Video “WHITE COFFIN 🎬 Exclusive Full Thriller Action Movie Premiere 🎬 English HD 2024” was uploaded on 12/24/2024 to Youtube Channel WATCH ACTION MOVIES NOW
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