Exploring The Exciting New Features of Apple’s MacOS Sequoia – Video

Exploring The Exciting New Features of Apple’s MacOS Sequoia – Video

Apple’s MacOS Sequoia: New Features You’ll Want to Try

Apple’s MacOS Sequoia is the latest operating system from Apple, packed with new features that Mac users will surely appreciate. One standout feature is iPhone mirroring, which allows users to interact with their iPhone on their Mac using a touchpad and keyboard. This feature gives users access to their iPhone notifications, messages, apps, and more, all wirelessly and securely.

Another exciting update is the ability to tile Windows more easily by simply dragging them to the edge of the screen. Apple has also introduced a new password app for managing credentials securely across devices and autofilling them as needed. Additionally, Safari has new features such as Highlight, which uses machine learning to highlight important information on web pages, and Reader, which generates a table of contents and article summary for distraction-free reading.

Apple is implementing Apple Intelligence, their version of AI, to power various tools and features in MacOS Sequoia. This personal intelligence system prioritizes local generative models for increased privacy and security. Supported devices include those with A7 Pro or M series chips, with the system set to roll out later this year. As more details are revealed, Mac users can look forward to a more intelligent and secure computing experience with MacOS Sequoia.

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Video “Apple’s MacOS Sequoia: New Features You’ll Want to Try” was uploaded on 06/11/2024 to Youtube Channel CNET