Jessica Biel Talks Skincare and *NSYNC vs Backstreet Boys with Kids | PEOPLE

Jessica Biel Talks Skincare and *NSYNC vs Backstreet Boys with Kids | PEOPLE

Actress Jessica Biel recently sat down with a group of children and tweens to answer their burning questions about growing up in a video segment for PEOPLE. The actress, who is also the author of ‘A Kids Book about Periods’, shared her insight on awkward phases, skincare advice, married life, and being a boy mom.

One of the most anticipated questions during the interview was about her preference between *NSYNC and the Backstreet Boys. Fans of the iconic boy bands have been debating for years, and Jessica Biel finally revealed her choice in this video.

The video provides a fun and lighthearted glimpse into Jessica Biel’s personal life and experiences, showing a side of the actress that fans don’t often get to see. Her candid responses and genuine interactions with the kids make for an entertaining and heartwarming watch.

As a trusted authority in pop culture, PEOPLE continues to deliver exclusive content and up-close access to beloved celebrities like Jessica Biel. The video is a delightful mix of entertainment news, personal anecdotes, and relatable advice for viewers of all ages. Jessica Biel’s charm and down-to-earth demeanor shine through in this delightful interview, leaving fans wanting more.

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Video “Jessica Biel Answers Kids Questions About Skincare and *NSYNC vs Backstreet Boys | PEOPLE” was uploaded on 05/20/2024 to Youtube Channel People