LEGO Star Wars: Rebuild the Galaxy (2024) follows the thrilling adventure of Sig Greebling, an ordinary nerf-herder who stumbles upon a powerful artifact that completely disrupts the entire Star Wars galaxy. As a result, the lines between good and bad are blurred, and Sig must navigate this twisted new version of the galaxy to restore order and save the fate of all. With X-Wings, TIE fighters, Ewoks, and even Darth Jar-Jar in the mix, Sig must become the hero the galaxy needs to put everything back in its right place.
Starring Gaten Matarazzo, LEGO Star Wars: Rebuild the Galaxy promises an action-packed and humor-filled animated series that will delight fans of all ages. Join Sig on his epic journey to rebuild the galaxy, rent or buy the series now and experience the chaos and excitement in this new and unique Star Wars adventure. Subscribe to Disney+ and mark your calendars for September 13, 2024, to embark on this unforgettable galactic journey.
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Video “LEGO STAR WARS: Rebuild the Galaxy Trailer (2024)” was uploaded on 05/08/2024 to Youtube Channel