New search underway for Jay Slater in Tenerife

New search underway for Jay Slater in Tenerife

A new search is currently underway in Tenerife for missing British teenager Jay Slater, with Spanish police calling for volunteer help in the search efforts. The Guardia Civil asked for support from voluntary organizations and individuals with expertise in difficult conditions to aid in the search for Jay.

Local firefighters, police, and mountain rangers are leading the search, with hopes of conducting a massive operation to locate the 19-year-old who has been missing since June 17th. Jay last contacted a friend, stating he was lost in the mountains with only 1% battery on his phone.

Despite the plea for volunteers, less than 12 members of the public arrived at the meeting point before the search began. The importance of finding Jay and bringing him home safely has prompted efforts to mobilize all available resources in the search for the missing teenager.

For more updates on the search for Jay Slater in Tenerife, visit BBC News.

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Video “New search for Jay Slater underway in Tenerife | BBC News” was uploaded on 06/29/2024 to Youtube Channel BBC News