Nick Cannon Hosts Memorial in Memory of Late Son on His 3rd Birthday

Nick Cannon Hosts Memorial in Memory of Late Son on His 3rd Birthday

In a heartfelt display of love and remembrance, Nick Cannon and Alyssa Scott recently hosted a memorial for their late son, Zen, on what would have been his third birthday. The couple opened up about their grief and shared intimate moments from the event on Instagram, allowing their followers to join in on honoring the memory of their precious son.

Zen was born on June 23, 2021, but tragically lost his battle with brain cancer when he was just five months old. Despite his short time on this earth, Zen touched the hearts of many and his parents continue to keep his memory alive through the love and support of their family, friends, and fans.

The memorial was a somber yet beautiful tribute to Zen, filled with tears, laughter, and memories of the precious moments shared with their son. Nick Cannon and Alyssa Scott used this special day to reflect on the joy Zen brought into their lives and the impact he had on those around him.

As they navigated through their grief, Nick Cannon and Alyssa Scott showed incredible strength and resilience in honoring Zen’s memory with grace and love. Their openness and vulnerability in sharing their journey with the world serves as a reminder of the importance of cherishing every moment with loved ones and holding them close in our hearts, even when they are no longer physically with us.

The outpouring of support and love for Nick Cannon and Alyssa Scott during this difficult time is a testament to the impact Zen had on so many lives in his short time on this earth. Together, they continue to honor Zen’s memory and keep his spirit alive through the love they share for their son and each other.

In a world filled with uncertainty and tragedy, the love and resilience shown by Nick Cannon and Alyssa Scott in honoring Zen’s memory serves as a powerful reminder of the strength found in love and the importance of holding onto hope in the face of adversity. Zen may no longer be physically with us, but his spirit lives on in the hearts of those who loved him dearly.

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Video “Nick Cannon Hosts Memorial for Late Son on What Would’ve Been His 3rd Birthday” was uploaded on 06/25/2024 to Youtube Channel Entertainment Tonight