Our Experience in Cape Town: Is it Really as Amazing as They Say? šŸ‡æšŸ‡¦ Did We Feel Safe in this South African City? – Video

Our Experience in Cape Town: Is it Really as Amazing as They Say? šŸ‡æšŸ‡¦ Did We Feel Safe in this South African City? – Video

In this video, join us as we explore the breathtaking Cape Peninsula in Cape Town, South Africa. From hiking Lion’s Head, to driving along the scenic coastline, to visiting the famous Boulders Beach penguin colony, we experienced the beauty and wonder of this stunning location. We also visited the Cape of Good Hope, the most southwestern point of the African continent, and ended our day watching the sunset at the serene Scarborough Beach.

Despite warnings of safety concerns, we felt safe throughout our journey, taking precautions similar to those we would in other cities around the world. Our action-packed day in Cape Town left us in awe of its diverse landscapes and abundance of wildlife. And as we prepare to head to Mozambique in our next adventure, we can’t wait to see what this new destination has in store for us. Don’t forget to like, subscribe, and follow us on social media for more travel adventures. See you in the next video!

Watch the video by Jumping Places

Good mind everyone here from Cape Town South Africa once again we’re going to be discovering more beautiful places in this video so in the previous video we explored more of this area like the downtown the harbor over there the Waterfront and we went to Table Mountain

On the cable carat which is there and today we’re going to be doing the lion’s head hike which is right up there do you know how long it takes some people say uh 2 and a half hours or 3 hours but I think that’s a round trip uh not one way

No I hope it’s not one way cuz we want to do other things yeah so after that we’re going to be driving around the cape Peninsula which seems to be probably one of the most beautiful areas of Cape Town it looks amazing in the photos and we rented this car here for

One day AA around $35 giving it back to tomorrow Morning Man check this out for the perfect bench this is your view so this is the cape Peninsula that we’re going to be driving around later on course have some magnificent beaches too you can already see there the ultra white sand the views are so incredible though if you watched our first video

Here you’ll know that even there from like the city area you already to get amazing views anyway but definitely better from up here it’s probably going to get even Better So the trail has been really amazing you’re basically just like spiraling around so you get like 360 views as you’re going up constantly so I don’t think we’re been around this area what what did you say it was called I think C point and over there Green Point Green P over there

Yeah looks like they have a golf course probably a rich area and I think this final hurdle is the hardest part cuz you got to do a bit of rock climbing I don’t think that much though is this the way Carol I think so

I see people there so I think we are on the right path yes I want to say rock climbing it’s just kind of like this kind of steps in a way but yeah still a bit harder than before man this is just too nice Though So we made it to the top finally definitely more sketchy than we were expecting especially the last part really was like rock climbing I don’t think it’s good for people that have fear of heights no definitely not but I really enjoyed it cuz it’s like a leg

Workout not just cardio so it’s good but the views are simply amazing so that’s a very good thing about this Trail too yeah so it took us about an hour to come up here and that was without rushing we stopped a few times there’s like traffic

Gems on the the trail from people coming down and up definitely worth it though so I think a lot of people come here for the sunrise and sunset too I think at Sunrise it’s less busy but then Sunset is really busy right yeah and I think people usually come when it’s

Schol for some reason I think you get amazing views so since you’re not allowed to fly a drone here this will be the Drone shots don’t really need a a drone after coming up here Anyway So we’ve come to one of those beaches that we could see from the trail this one is called Clifton Beach look like it had the nicest water from up there we were up there before man the sand is so white I didn’t even know that South Africa headlight sound like this

Surprised a Friday today so probably not as busy as a weekend and get a massage yeah so this is one hell of a Beach water looks absolutely beautiful like it did from above too and I think there’s four parts of the beach so we’re at what is it Clifton

Fourth fourth yeah Clifton fourth third second and first I think that’s the names yeah they seem to be separated out by these rocks also what’s cool the beach cuz of the Rocks kind of different I suppose this is looking a bit more like real yeah but the water here looks

Nicer but I think it’s very cold cuz we see people going in and they are like dying yeah I’ll do the test soon I don’t know if I’m going all the way in though I’m like recovering from a cold or something these last few days Carol can go in I don’t think

So so on this peninsula there’s many beaches I don’t know if they’re all this level though’ be amazing if they are so we’re going to check out some more later on Yeah that is some insanely cold water no chance I’m swimming in this probably is some of the coldest water I’ve ever been in even and this is summer winter must be crazy crystal clear though brother so so beautiful ah my feet are hurting there’s people swimming though not many people

Usually go in Scream and then run out she’s been in there a long time though So we’re just going to go on a walk along the beach before we head out of here we were going to eat here but we just found out that there are no restaurants so all the buildings that you seen they just look like Apartments it’s like a residential area

And then over here it just seems to be beach houses so none of these are hotels or restaurants or anything you do get Beach vendors but they seem to just be selling drinks yes and ice cream pretty much yeah not like proper food but I think the next Beach along I think there

Are restaurants there so we’re going to drive to that one after this walk wanted to check out the rocky area really cool I So the next Beach along is called Camp Bay Beach also looks like a pretty popular one quite big too and once again like ultra white sand so I guess they might all be like that around here not too sure we’re just going to eat at one of the restaurants

Here on the ocean front wow look at that backdrop that’s Table Mountain isn’t it yeah and I think those rocks around there are called the 12 a Apostles Apostles yeah and maybe because they are like 12 things points yeah I don’t know why yeah it might be it looks like there

Might be 12 but that part there I think is Table Mountain so the place that we’ve chosen is pretty cool it’s called Cafe Caprice and the prices are pretty good too I got a chicken schnitzel that I’ve never eaten before that was 120 we got a grilled halumi 75 and Carol got a

Veggie burger for 155 we have noticed that when we gone to touristy places the food’s never super expensive here no I think only in the harbor area like in Waterfront places I was seeing that it was quite expensive but around here it’s not that bad so

This halumi is so so delicious I don’t remember the last time we’ve had it yeah it’s been a long time but I always love it He Oh so we’re now on our way to a place called Boulders Beach still in the cape Peninsula and we had to pay a toll road back there which was 61 yes yeah if we come back on this same road we got to PID it again we don’t know how we’re

Getting back yet but what an absolutely beautiful drive this is I’d go as far as saying it’s probably one of the most beautiful Coastal drives that we’ve ever seen so the road the majority of the time is right next to the ocean you can see it back there p so many beautiful

Beaches the mountainous Landscapes too and this specific part is called Chapman Peaks drive it’s like a famous part so you can see Why so there’s many places that you can stop at the side of the road they also have a lot of picnic tables like there’s one there so many places that you can have a nice meal if you bring a picnic so check this out for some views this is what I

Was talking about the road is just going along this Coastline the whole time so a lot of this area is a national park and has no constructions or anything but over there there was some sort of town or city quite a big one I think that

Place back there is where you can do that boat tour from yeah hoot how Bay hoot Bay yeah I don’t know how you pronounce that but yeah you can do some B tours from there and I think you can visit somewhere with the sea lions or

Seals I don’t know well there are so many things to do here in Cape Town we wish we had more time we’re doing as much as we can but there’s many things many amazing things to do here yeah we’ve kind of realized already today that you could probably spend a bunch

Days just on this peninsula not even the whole of Cape Town just this peninsula you need multiple days I think if you want to visit all the beaches and like we said do the different boat tours that are available a lot to Do Not entirely sure what this guy is looks cute though doesn’t seem too bothered by us what is that so we’ve arrived at Boulders Beach and this is famous for having the penguin colony which is the main reason that we wanted to come here but I think

There is a beach where you can like sunbathe and stuff so it’s 190 per person for foreigners there’s some of penguins that we’re going to see and yeah you don’t even have to walk that far wow really nice Beach beautiful the water is still cold I think so nice and calm though for Swimming So it turns out that there’s two entrances we were at the entrance for the beach not the Penguins so we had to walk across about 10 minutes to come to the Penguin Park so already got one penguin right there just chilling by himself so there’s a lot of people here

As expected it’s still quite easy to get a a good spot to see all the Penguins can see the the nesting areas little holes this one’s funny it keeps like collecting things and taking it back over there what’s that his wife maybe giving her presents cuz she deserves it

Yeah he seems to be the only one doing that he’ll wander off get some like sticks and then take it there but they don’t have a nest or anything there not yet they’re all down here too it seems like there’s thousands of them look he’s off again to collect something diamond Ring So we’ve now come to a park that’s at the far Southern point of the peninsula called Kate point it’s 400 per person I think it’s that price because you’re expected to spend the majority of the day here I think there’s a lot to do but we only have 2 hours before it closes

But we’ve come in here anyway and the first thing we’re going to do is try and go to that Lighthouse there I think there’s like a little tram that takes you up there so that was unlucky we got there and all the staff were leaving so

The tram has only just closed right now we actually saw it go up and go down when we got out of the car so we needed to get here earlier but they said you can still walk there looks kind of far I don’t know looks like it might take about 10 minutes but

That’s what we’ll have to do oh man this was extra tiring after this morning’s hike but we made it to the lighthouse historic Lighthouse 1860 to 1919 the white flashing light of 2,000 candle power could be seen by ships 67 km out to sea yeah I am officially knackered

Now I think we’re going to go down there later on I got even more Cliffs on this side check out the views down there that’s the side we drove down amazing and I think Somewhere Out There is the Antarctica if you just just keep going you’ll be there Eventually And not too far from the lighthouse we’ve come to the Cape of Good Hope the most Southwestern point of the African continent there’s the coordinates not much here just the ocean I think we could have walked here there’s a trail there but we just drove here from the lighthouse don’t want to

Do any more walking smells weird yeah I think there are some animals there not sure if they’re penguin or something else I don’t know but there’s also the the big algae thing yeah something stinky that’s for Sure Yeah to hold to hold you something to so we’re back at our apartment now it ended up being a really action-packed day would have probably been best to split up what we did into two days if we had more time on the way back we went to

A place called scabra to watch the sunset really relaxed Beach really nice there a guy actually recommended it to us that was speaking to at the penguin place he said to go there for the sunset so yeah that was a good recommendation and we definitely needed more time here

In uh Cape Town and South Africa it was just a quick trip for us just a week but can already see why this place is amazing since you have all the amazing Wildlife you have the ocean you have the mountains like even just now you saw

That we saw the ostriches it’s not every day that we’re in a country where you just keep getting all this Wildlife appearing all the time and before when we were in Namibia we had told some people that we were coming to South Africa and a lot of them were saying to

Watch out that it’s dangerous but yeah luckily we had no issues at all we felt pretty safe overall yeah uh I mean we did some things like we do in Rio de Janeiro when we are there uh I was not wearing J and I was not wearing my uh

Watch the smart watch and also I think when we used to go especially around the area that we’re staying that is not extremely safe from what we heard uh I would just put like my phone like inside my my shorts things like that the same

Things that I do in R de Janeiro when I’m there so maybe we don’t think it’s that uh dangerous or anything because we are from Rio I mean I am from Rio and maybe I’m just used to this kind of place also there are cases of car

Jacking so when we were renting the car we didn’t put uh our valuables we didn’t leave our valuables inside the car because of that yeah like Carol said I think just cuz we’ve lived here in Brazil we like automatically know what to do and how to act and we never have

Any issues over there really so yeah we just did the same thing so we’re still going to be in Africa in the next video we’re going to be flying to mosm beak tomorrow which is a country that I’ve barely seen really doesn’t really seem like any other YouTubers have been there

And they speak Portuguese there that’s one of the reasons that we’re deciding to go cuz we speak Portuguese and it looks amazing looks like some cool stuff to do there so really looking forward to that if you like this video just drop a like as usual to support us subscribe to

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Video “CAPE TOWN IS AMAZING! šŸ‡æšŸ‡¦ Did We Feel Safe?” was uploaded on 03/23/2024. Watch all the latest Videos by Jumping Places on Gretopia