Rare Antelope Dies After Choking on Squeezable Pouch at Zoo – Video

Rare Antelope Dies After Choking on Squeezable Pouch at Zoo – Video

Tragedy struck at the Brights Zoo in Tennessee when a rare antelope named Lief choked to death on a squeezable fruit pouch. Lief, a sitatunga who had been living at the zoo since July 2016, fell victim to what officials believe was a simple mistake made by a visitor. It is suspected that someone must have accidentally dropped or intentionally given Lief a juice packet with a hard plastic top, causing the antelope to mistake it for a treat and ultimately suffer a tragic fate.

The loss of Lief has saddened both zoo staff and visitors alike, as the animal was a beloved member of the Brights Zoo family. David Bright, co-owner and director of the zoo, expressed his remorse over the incident, emphasizing the importance of being mindful of what is given to animals in captivity.

This heartbreaking event serves as a reminder of the fragility of life and the responsibilities that come with caring for animals in a zoo setting. It is a tragic and unfortunate incident that has left a void in the hearts of those who knew and loved Lief. Rest in peace, Lief.

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Video “Rare Antelope Chokes to Death on Squeezable Pouch at Zoo” was uploaded on 06/14/2024 to Youtube Channel Inside Edition