The Fighting Marshall is a classic western film starring Tim McCoy, Dorothy Gulliver, and Mary Carr. The story follows Tim Benton, who escapes from prison without realizing he has been pardoned. He assumes the identity of a marshal in order to bring the men who framed him for murder to justice.
Directed by Harry L. Fraser and written by Frances Guihan, The Fighting Marshall is a thrilling tale of revenge and redemption set against the backdrop of the old west. With stunning cinematography and strong performances from the cast, including McCoy as the titular character, the film is a must-watch for fans of classic westerns.
As Tim Benton navigates the dangerous world of outlaws and lawmen, he must confront his past and fight for justice in a town plagued by corruption. The Fighting Marshall is a gripping and action-packed film that will keep viewers on the edge of their seats from start to finish.
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Video “The Fighting Marshall FULL MOVIE | (Tim McCoy, Dorothy Gulliver, Mary Carr) STREAM CITY” was uploaded on 07/13/2024 to Youtube Channel Stream City
Wow, great quality print for 1931!