The Listening Post: The media’s shifting stance towards Biden

The Listening Post: The media’s shifting stance towards Biden

After a disastrous debate, President Joe Biden’s cognitive capabilities have come under question, leading many liberal media outlets and commentators to change their tune. Previously downplaying concerns about Biden’s age, they are now calling on him to step down. This shift in media narrative is explored in the latest episode of The Listening Post.

Contributors Akela Lacy, Branko Marcetic, David Sirota, and Jennifer Stromer-Galley offer their insights on how the media has turned on Biden. From highlighting warning signs about his ageing to now calling for his resignation, the coverage reflects a significant shift in public opinion.

On our radar, we also delve into the rise of Marine Le Pen’s National Rally party in France. Tariq Nafi looks at the favourable media coverage that has helped fuel the far-right’s ascent in the country’s political landscape.

Additionally, the episode profiles a passionate French protester, showcasing how political activism has been turned into an art form in France. Featuring interviews with Eric de Chassey, Jean-Baptiste Redde, and Sarah Waters, the segment offers a glimpse into the world of passionate demonstrators in France.

“The Listening Post” provides a comprehensive analysis of the media’s role in shaping public perception and influencing political discourse.

Watch the video by Al Jazeera English

Video “How the media turned on Biden | The Listening Post” was uploaded on 07/06/2024 to Youtube Channel Al Jazeera English