“The Snorkel” is a classic thriller directed by Guy Green that keeps viewers on the edge of their seats. The film revolves around a crafty murderer who uses a snorkel to commit the perfect crime, leading his stepdaughter to become suspicious and embark on a perilous journey to uncover the truth.
Peter Van Eyck delivers a chilling portrayal as the cunning killer, while Mandy Miller shines as the brave and determined young heroine. The tension in the film is expertly maintained beneath the surface, creating a gripping and suspenseful atmosphere throughout.
With a timeless appeal, “The Snorkel” is a must-see for fans of the thriller genre. Don’t miss out on this captivating masterpiece that is sure to leave you enthralled from beginning to end.
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Video “The Snorkel | FREE MOVIE (Peter Van Eyck, Mandy Miller)” was uploaded on 01/26/2025 to Youtube Channel Stream City
I love it! Way to go, Candy!
No wonder this film is so good. It's Hammer!!!
What a great story, it kept my attention until the end.
Badly written, badly acted. It really surprised me that no one bothered to follow up on the dog.
An ingenious ending, she should have left him there. And it was made by Hammer Films. Amazing.
Wonderful 🙂
There are so many questions in this movie, like why didn't anybody pay attention to the dog sniffing so hard under the rug????
Great ending !!!!!
Thank you for uploading this excellent movie.
Good Movie 🎥🍿🍿🍿
The daughter is hardly a little girl. She looks like a teenager.
The only plot holes are the ones he's breathing through. The air volume of the hoses and pipes to the exterior of the building is greater than lung volume, which means he's inhaling and exhaling the same air over and over. Why not simply hide air tanks under the floor?
Excellent movie.
Excellent ending!👏 👏👏
Very good movie 🍿
What a good movie, then ending was fantastic.
Why did no one ask why the dog died?
Great great story!
31:44 55 Ford dashboard…..
Excellent movie!! Thank you for sharing!
The end would have been more interesting if she would not have stopped at the police station. Justice served.
I was kinda up for the baddie in this one. That actress was so irritating.
Peter Van Eyck, such a bad actor.
Great movies
Thank you for providing this interesting film. Great displayed screen resolution appreciated also the script delivered credible performances and nice general pacing contributed to The satisfaction!😊
The murderer reminds of a villain in an episode of Columbo.
Seen this before. Great movie and I wholeheartedly recommend it.
I almost didn't make it to the end. Was worth it!
Good film. Thanks for uploading!
Written by Anthony Dawson, the blackmailer in "Dial M" for Murder, the first man to be killed by James Bond in a film and the original Bloefeld, though you only see his hands and another actor did the voice.
You can always Google the name of the movie as titles/ year might not be right in the description.google it get names if casts year reviews etc
"You stay here darling, Mummy must go back and get killed back at the Villa, do try and get some rest, there there." Proper British…let's not get upset, darling, people die all the time." this is the best example of British people being obedient to the culture that controls them. CHEERIO!
Why the Hell do they not give you the year of these movies????????????????????
Where’s the best place you have ever gone swimming?