What was the emergence date of the first brain on Earth? – Video

What was the emergence date of the first brain on Earth? – Video

When did the first brain show up on Earth?

The video “When did the first brain show up on Earth?” delves into the fascinating story of brain evolution, tracing back to the humble beginnings of creatures like amphioxys that had no brains and yet dominated the Earth for millions of years. The emergence of brains on the evolutionary scene is theorized to have occurred when one animal began deliberately eating another, sparking a competitive arms race for survival. This led to the development of more complex systems like eyes, ears, noses, and fins, all of which required coordination by a brain.

The video features insights from distinguished psychologist and neuroscientist Lisa Feldman Barrett, known for her groundbreaking research on emotions and the brain. Barrett’s work challenges traditional views on emotions, suggesting that they are not universal but rather constructed by the brain in individual and cultural contexts. Her book “How Emotions Are Made: The Secret Life of the Brain” has had a significant impact on psychology and neuroscience.

Overall, this video offers a thought-provoking exploration of the evolution of brains and emotions, shedding light on the complex mechanisms that have shaped the human mind over millions of years.

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Author Video Description

Lisa Feldman Barrett is a distinguished psychologist and neuroscientist, renowned for her groundbreaking research on the nature of emotions. She is a University Distinguished Professor of Psychology at Northeastern University and holds appointments at Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts General Hospital. Barrett’s work challenges traditional views on emotions, proposing that they are not universal experiences but are constructed by the brain based on individual and cultural contexts. She is the author of the influential book “How Emotions Are Made: The Secret Life of the Brain,” which has significantly impacted the fields of psychology and neuroscience. Barrett has received numerous accolades for her research, including the NIH Director’s Pioneer Award, and she is an elected member of the Royal Society of Canada. Through her innovative research and engaging writing, Barrett continues to shape our understanding of the human mind and emotions.


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Video “When did the first brain show up on Earth?” was uploaded on 06/19/2024 to Youtube Channel Big Think