YESTERDAY – The Beatles (Cover Benedetta Caretta) – Video

YESTERDAY – The Beatles (Cover Benedetta Caretta) – Video

In her cover of “Yesterday” by The Beatles, Benedetta Caretta showcases her soulful voice and emotional depth. The stripped-down acoustic arrangement allows her vocals to shine, capturing the melancholy essence of the iconic song. Caretta’s rendition is heartfelt and moving, drawing listeners in with her raw talent and passion.

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“Yesterday” by The Beatles is a timeless classic that reflects on love and loss, with poignant lyrics and a memorable melody that has resonated with audiences for decades. Benedetta Caretta’s cover pays homage to the original while adding her own unique interpretation to the song.

Watch the video by Benedetta Caretta

Video “YESTERDAY – The Beatles (Cover Benedetta Caretta)” was uploaded on 02/04/2024 to Youtube Channel Benedetta Caretta