Yellowstone National Park, established as the world’s first national park in 1871, is a breathtaking natural wonder that spans over 3,000km and sits atop an active volcano. Home to a rich variety of wildlife and stunning landscapes, Yellowstone is truly one of the most remarkable places on Earth.
The BBC Earth’s live video takes viewers on a virtual journey through the wildlife of Yellowstone, showcasing its iconic inhabitants such as the grey wolf, grizzly bear, and herds of antelope and buffalo. Against the backdrop of lush meadows, deep forests, and violent hot springs, the intertwining stories of these animals unfold, depicting the beauty and peril of life in this stunning wilderness.
‘Yellowstone’ (2009) captures the grandeur of the national park, offering a glimpse into the dramatic lives and fortunes of its wildlife over three vividly changing seasons. From the epic struggles for survival to the intimate and emotional moments shared by these animals, the series brings the unique beauty of Yellowstone to life on screen.
As one of the world’s last and most spectacular wildernesses, Yellowstone National Park is a global icon of natural beauty. With its vast landscapes and rich biodiversity, Yellowstone serves as a reminder of the importance of preserving our planet’s natural wonders for future generations to enjoy.
Watch the video by BBC Earth
Video “ LIVE: The Wildlife of Yellowstone | BBC Earth” was uploaded on 12/13/2024 to Youtube Channel BBC Earth
हिन्दी भाषामे भि प्रशारण होना चहिय।
English hum nahi samajhte hai hindi laungage me bhi dala karo Bbc Earth
unearthly !
I've been watch this before. Why they are upload the same video twice?
It's best animals chanel
मुझे वाइल्ड लाइफ च्यानल बिबिसी अर्थ,एनिमल प्लानेट, नेशनल जियोग्राफिक च्यानल,डिस्कोभरी सब पसन्द है लेकिन आजकल टीवी पर प्रसारित से युट्युव च्यानल प्रसारण तक अंग्रेजी भाषा में प्रसारण कर रहे हैं। अंग्रेजी नसमझने वालोंके लिए हिन्दी अड़ियों ट्र्याकमे भि प्रसारण करें।
So sorry for this elk
Yellowstone’s wildlife is truly mesmerizing! Watching this live feels like being right there in the wild. Amazing work, BBC Earth
Yellowstone's wildlife never fails to amaze ! Thank you, BBC Earth .
Where it is ?
Beautiful documentary of the circle of life. <3
what a floozy wolf! lol
Wolves are fantastic animals
! They can naturally balance an ecosystem when they are allowed to live freely in Nature.
It was amazing to see the wildlife in Yellowstone through this video!
33:10 asmr
On the white blanket, telltale signs of living things in action are seen. It's only winter.
A beaver may be sponsored by Skil!
13:29 don't plant the same type of trees guys.
I have a salute for making documetery very hard life in Yellowstone.