In this gripping full episode series of “UFOs: Investigating the Unknown,” National Geographic delves into the world of Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAPs) and alien encounters. From the U.S. Government’s secret Pentagon Program on UFOs to sightings of giant UFOs in Texas and close encounters at nuclear bases, this series explores the mystery and intrigue surrounding UFO phenomena.
As more military and commercial pilots report seeing UAPs in flight, and Area 51 remains shrouded in secrecy, the government breaks its silence on the UFO phenomenon. Project Blue Book is launched to study the country’s growing “UFO problem,” and U.S. nuclear missiles malfunction after close encounters with UFOs. It is a thrilling look into the unknown and unexplained, as citizens take charge in the search for answers.
Join National Geographic as they investigate the unknown in this captivating series on UAPs and alien encounters. Subscribe to National Geographic for more series and specials, and explore the world with their subscriptions. Dive into the world of science, exploration, and adventure with National Geographic, and get closer to the stories that matter. Stay tuned for more thrilling episodes on UFOs and the unexplained.
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Video “🔴 LIVE: UAPs and Alien Encounters | UFOs Investigating the Unknown | S1 FULL EPISODES | Nat Geo” was uploaded on 12/05/2024. Watch all the latest Videos by National Geographic on Gretopia
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