14 Bizarre Phenomena in Nigeria! – Video

14 Bizarre Phenomena in Nigeria! – Video

14 Strange Things In Nigeria – A Place Where Women Wear Leaves Instead Of Clothes
Have you ever witnessed life in one of the largest and most dangerous slums on the planet? Where the black, foul-smelling water blends with the stench, and residents are always ready to defend their territory with violence? This place is none other than Makoko, Nigeria – a world-famous slum with unimaginable conditions that I will reveal in this video. Life here is like an unending battle, leaving anyone who comes to explore both shocked and awed.
But that’s not all – Nigeria, with its nearly 230 million people, is the 7th most populous country in the world, and there are many more fascinating aspects to discover. From the custom of women wearing leaves instead of clothes to a town called the “twin capital of the world”, Nigeria invites curiosity from everyone.

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Video “14 Strange Things In Nigeria!” was uploaded on 08/09/2024 to Youtube Channel DiscoveryQuest